New Isolation Unit

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
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There is some good in any situation if you look hard enough, and Black Floyd's demise at least resulted in a new quarantine area. It is in the chicken run, so still centrally located, but hopefully distant enough to prevent cross contamination.

Here is a pic of how it is attached to the end of the catcoop that shares the chicken run:

IMG_5676 - Copy.JPG

The roof attachment:

IMG_5678 - Copy.JPG

Finished view:


Hopefully it wont have a "patient" for a long time yet... but at least it is there if needed.
Nice! Did you end up culling Floyd?

Edited, Just saw the post about the outcome of the cull, Im sorry for your loss, howfully It was for the better though. Going to check out the pictures... Who can resist graphic pictures while eating chili? NOT! :x
Thanks, Jana. I did have to cull him- you will see the post about it. I wanted this quarantine area set up for him in case the needle aspirate I did showed bloody fluid. Sadly, it was pus, and I couldn't risk rampant pasteurella in the barn.
Hopefully this new unit won't ever need to be used again.
I never understood exactly where he got the Pasteurella from, the show? Could your other rabbits have contracted it, before you caught it?
good isolation area. closed off yet well vented. :) Query...can the chickens carry anything over to the other rabbits?
The chickens don't get to free range for most of the year, because they eat the garden. I am working toward preventing access to the rabbitry by other animals altogether, but it is a work in progress. However, since the hens are on the ground, and the rabbits are elevated, I am not too concerned about transmission. If I have a rabbit in the quarantine area, I will keep the chickies penned up during that time just to be safe.
We just finished an "isolation wing" that I was planning to use to house the rabbits that I want to show. I thought I would try going to a few shows this year. My biggest concern is the infection potential though & after your experience with Floyd I'm now reconsidering. I hadn't really thought about the "stress" factor in precipitating an outbreak. Guess it's one way to cull the herd :(
I am hoping I never use it either- at least for its intended purpose... I am already eyeballing it as a more spacious cage for does with litters starting to come out of the nest! :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop:

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