New born kit issues

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2012
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Our two Flemish Giant does gave birth!! One kindled yesterday and had ten kits and the other one kindled this morning and had two. The litter of two have pasty poop butts. I used warm water on a piece of toilet paper and gently soaked it off. Why do they have poopy butts? Is there anything I can do to prevent or help this? The other litter of ten has healthy looking butts.

Also in the litter of two one of the kits had some of mom's fur wrapped around its leg and actually cut into the leg. I again used warm water on toilet paper to soak the hair and gently as I could pull it out. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Should I put some antibiotic ointment on it or will that just get more of mom's fur stuck to it?

This is my first litter and their first litters so maybe I am just overreacting.
Can't say for sure about the pasty poo on the two... maybe she didn't clean them up as well as the other mom cleaned hers, or something? I would get concerned if it continues more than a day or two, rather than firming up.

It would probably be good to foster a few kits from the other litter over to her, so that the two have some other bunnies to snuggle with and keep warm. It's difficult for one or even two to stay warm enough. She won't reject the new additions, and the other doe won't miss them. To our knowledge, they don't count. :razz:

The fur around the leg, I haven't had that happen, but I know it has happened now and then to others. I probably woudn't worry with antibiotic at this point. Maybe a little Betadyne if you have it, or just watch it. If it starts looking like it's doing anything besides healing, you can slap some antibiotic on it then. :)

Oh -- and congratulations on the popples! :mbounce:

The pasty butt may be from chilling. Two are not enough to keep themselves warm at this time of year in most areas.

Would you please add your state to your profile so we have a rough idea where you are? So many rabbit questions are climate related... It helps us to answer your questions.
Definitely most some from the large litter to the small litter. Another concern is that the small litter will overfeed and could die from it. It happened to us.
Thanks everyone! I took three of the smallest kits in the litter of 10 and gave them to the doe with two. Everyone is looking good today and their little butts look clean:) Hopefully the smallest three will get more milk and everyone will stay warm enough.