New, and confusing doe. -_- (UPDATE)

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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Fairmount, Illinois
Hey everyone sorry I popped off for a while. Things got a bit busy, and I been on in a bit.

So here's what's going on now. Saturday the 13th I traded off one of my does for a bred Holland Lop doe. The woman told me that she was due on the 24th of this month so while we were on our way home I logged her schedule into my phone. The 21st was to be her nest box day, and of course the 24th kindle. The 21st came around, I gave her a box, and a plenty of hay. Waited all day, and she did not nest once. Which was odd to me. All my other does are what I call on schedule does. Meaning they nest on day 28, and kindle on day 31. I can even tell you when they do. They nest mid-afternoon day 28, and kindle in the AM of the 31st day, haha. Anyways back to point. I went a head, and put hay in her box for her sometimes that will get my other does kicked into gear about building their own nest, and still nothing. She munched on the straw, and that was it. I gave her tummy a feel, and felt a bit of movement, but not as much as I can feel with the other girls. I text the woman we got her from, and asked if it was possible she the dates mixed around. She was very adamant that Bertha is due on the 24th. So I thought she may be one of those does that does everything right before she kindles. I waited another day, and still no nesting. Yesterday was her kindle date, and nothing! I thought okay maybe she will kindle the AM of the 32nd day, got this morning, and nope. Last night I even cover her cage to give her some of privacy, and that did nothing. She is acting pregnant, laying down on her side often stretched out. I can see a bit of movement when she is laying down, but not as much as I expected.

She is a little bit of a nervous doe, but other than the laying down, and bit of movement she doesn't act pregnant. Didn't nest, no kindle yet, not at all slowed down on eating.

Now my questions are.

1. Could she be pregnant, and the pervious owner had the dates wrong.

2. Could she be a late doe.

I forgot to mention that her litter will be half Holland, and half Standard Rex.
If she was not digging then gathering hay then pulling fur she is probably not pregnant. My non pregnant doe lies down also so this is not a sign.

Fist off it is still winter and getting babies this early in the year is tricky--lower pregnancy rates are common. Second check to see if she might need to lose weight. The fat collects around ovaries and can block eggs from being picked up for transport into the uterus. Finally she may not have bred. The buck could have missed or they did nothing at all.

Lastly one breeder I know well was forced to move with all her rabbits. Most of the pregnant does lost their babies. If you bun lost her pregnancy due to stress the kits would be absorbed by the body at the time she was moved. Kind of fits with her nervous personality.

Give her a try with a different buck later in the spring and let her stay in her own cage. Things probably will work out better.
After my first post I talked to the woman we got the Holland from yesterday.

She told me that other than my Lop she also bred 3 of her does to the same buck. None of these does took, or at least it is not seeming that way. By my could they are all 4 days late. Now when I felt my Lop I could feel fetal movement, but it was VERY slow compaired to how far along they are, and some days I feel nothing at all, but a hard-ish lump in her side.

The woman told me that the buck she bred these does to at one point have a bad respiratory infecting due to a nose injury he had received from a previous owners keeping style. I guess she would house the bucks together, and would toss whatever buck in there when she got them.

After this woman got the buck she fixed him up, and took care of the infection. She told me yesterday however that, that buck had died 3 days ago.

Is it possible that the infection could have caused him to go sterile?

I just really need so collective help to figure this out, because it is driving me crazy.

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