New 12 Step Program--

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Hello, I want to admit I have a problem too. It started with one French Angora buck, now I have five, three rex, and a pair of Woolies. I am hoping that someday soon hubby and I can move to a place that has a huge shop for him, and an old barn or garage I can turn into a rabbitry. Until then, I'll just keep nagging him about putting the motorcycles outside and lettin me fill our 8x18' shed. So far its been a no go...
I must have the biggest problem going... I have had rabbits off and on for about 15 years or so.. Had all kinds of breed of rabbits.. From netherland dwarfs to the rare champagne and now fuzzy rabbits.. So ya.. I do have a big problem and that problem is a good one. lol
Hi, I'm new here and I've been suffering from rabbit withdrawal for 12 years now. :(

But..... I'm finally getting back in!!! Very Very excited and so are my two little girls.
We're getting some English lops next week. (doing a dance of joy!!!)

I had holland and mini lops, a few Netherlands and angoras, and meat rabbits in the past. ELops are new to me, so I'm sure I'll have gobs of questions.

Rabbits really are an addiction, you may get away temporarily, but you'll always be back for more.
Yep I know the feeling this I thought I would build me a nice little shed and raise a few buns a 8x8 shed and a tiro of rabbits yep that's all I need be plenty well fast forward a few months the shed turned out to be 12x14 and about 6 outside hutches but I've decided I'm not addicted to buying rabbits I'm addicted to building stuff sooo since I'm not addicted to buying rabbits I guess I don't need to that the cure but best of luck to the rest of you
Doug51":1viw8vxc said:
I've decided I'm not addicted to buying rabbits I'm addicted to building stuff sooo since I'm not addicted to buying rabbits I guess I don't need to that the cure but best of luck to the rest of you

One question:

All that stuff you've built... the shed, the hutches...

Are they full of rabbits? :p
I am absolutely not addicted to buying... or breeding rabbits. It has been 2 months since I bought one, so I'm sure as heck the condition has... erm... left. I would also like you all to know that I did NOT buy more cages... and I don't have any rabbits reserved at the moment (<this part is true).

I may have OCD and anxiety problems, but this whole rabbit thing you all have hasn't spread to this lady.

*goes outside to palpate a momma rabbit* Ima gonna have BABIES! Not that I'm... excited. Who gets excited over another rabbit... or two... or seven...? Only you guys. You crazy addicts. At least I actually have the right to call you all insane.
Hello my name is Chris, I do not have a rabbit problem. I have rabbits so there is no problem.
lack of rabbits is my down fall. I can not bare to go out back and see an empty pen.
I can give up may rabbits and live with out them any time I choose to. ( like that will ever happen )
I have my medical Rabbit card, and I swear they are for personal pleasure.
My rabbits keep me from going Normal, they are my therapy. and after a hard day there is nothing better than slipping on my bunny slippers and singing to my rabbits.
I an not addicted, I'm, uh I'm a Bunny Hugger. There I said it. I hope every one is happy now!!
I sure am.
Well yes Miss M. My hutchs are all full and I guess my shed has plenty of buns in it and just because I answered that ad on cl today about the breeding pairof chocolate dutch doesn't mean I have a oh the heck with
It I'm not fooling anyone yes' yes' yes I'm addicted I'm head over heels 100 percent with out a dought addicted to rabbits I thing about them all day long and dream about at night I get up a hour before work just so I can spend time with them and as soon as I get home I head straight out to the rabbit pens and I've never been so happy in my life oh gee just got a email I hpoe its about Dutch please please tell me you still have them you know I still have some lumber left and I know where I can get a sheet of tin for the roof and there's stil plenty of room under that ash tree oh well what's a person to do
Doug51":307u3w9j said:
Well yes Miss M. My hutchs are all full and I guess my shed has plenty of buns in it and just because I answered that ad on cl today about the breeding pairof chocolate dutch doesn't mean I have a oh the heck with
It I'm not fooling anyone yes' yes' yes I'm addicted I'm head over heels 100 percent with out a dought addicted to rabbits I thing about them all day long and dream about at night I get up a hour before work just so I can spend time with them and as soon as I get home I head straight out to the rabbit pens and I've never been so happy in my life oh gee just got a email I hpoe its about Dutch please please tell me you still have them you know I still have some lumber left and I know where I can get a sheet of tin for the roof and there's stil plenty of room under that ash tree oh well what's a person to do
:rotfl: Now, don't you feel better? :p
Hello my name is Tommy and I can say for sure that I do not have a problem with rabbitosis. I have not bought a rabbit in at least ahhh two months. I tell you I do not have a problem. I just need a few more cages.
No problems here! Have not bought a new rabbit in at least a year! But, it's getting harder, and harder to resist the red NZ adds I see on CL every once in a while!!! :lol:
MaggieJ":2711m6v3 said:
I am making this thread a "sticky" so that all members can be aware of our awesome 12 Step Program. :twisted:
ABSOLUTELY! It's positively tragic that one of our members who's been with us for well over a year (!) was unaware of the help we have put in place for everybunny! :eek: :twisted:
Miss M":w2tcqcq2 said:
It's positively tragic that one of our members who's been with us for well over a year (!) was unaware of the help we have put in place for everybunny! :eek: :twisted:


She who shall remain nameless should be thanked for bringing this to our attention.

Although I do admit to being rather miffed still that she would think so little of the caring and compassionate nature of our members that we would not have had such a program in place.

Rereading this thread has restored me to my usual good humor, however, so I am prepared to forgive and forget. ;)
I admit I have a problem. It started with just researching backyard meat rabbits and then buying a few meat rabbits, you know, for the family. Just four meat rabbits. And then I kept one replacement doe... Then the kid wanted 'special' rabbits and we went to a show... Now I have the need, I need not only meat rabbits but pet rabbits and the kids ought to join 4-h and show in youth. I didn't know how steep the slope was until I took that first step ! :cry:

:lol: :lol:

Thank you MSD for enlightening me on this program - I shall never doubt again ;)

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