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Dec 25, 2015
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Hi everyone! I am breeding my doe for the first time and very excited as tonight i come home to see she has made a big nest. Day 25 is today and she has started to build a big nest. Doe's it vary on when a doe decides to want to start building her nest? As it is only day 25 could this mean her baby's could come early on day 28? :bunnyhop:. I put more hay in and she went mad picking it up in her mouth and started to use it to build straight away. I have heard that with a rabbits first litter some dont survive is this true, should i expect some not to be alive?
Some does just build a nest early. I have a couple of does who start to nest a full week early. I always put a box in when I see them start to haystache. They will make a nice nest and then mostly ignore it until day 30 or 31 when they kindle.
So far I would say her timing is good:). She is probably just a prepper and as Alforddm said, going to ignore it until she needs it later:)
Thank you, i did think this might be normal. And i am going to place in the nesting box, very excited but nervous :)

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