Need some guidance, please

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2013
Reaction score
Amarillo TX
Let me start by saying only 1of us in this venture has even been to a show...and it wasn't me! Planning on rectifying that soon, but have already started my list of ??
While we're trekking around on my watch-and-learn tour, I'd like to avoid branding myself as a total goof. I've shown horses for it seems like forever, so I understand the peril you are in if you get between an exhibitor and where they urgently need to be!

Have a copy of SOP, not taking a rabbit for the first couple of shows...anyone want to clue me in on what constitutes major social crimes? ;)
Shows are a lot of fun :) You meet a lot of people. There are those just trying to sell you something and those who are very genuine.

It doesn't bother me when people come and ask questions and want to learn a little more about Mini Lops. I'll hang around people that are very similar.

You will see a LOT of different breeds and want to take them all home LOL People will feel you out if you are going to be a pet only,for fun breeder or a future competitor.
The biggest no-no I have seen is people identifying which rabbit belongs to whom during judging. Just about died at the last show when some lady said "IS THAT YOUR BUCK" really loud to me while pointing at my buck, who'd JUST been examined by the judge and held back for more evaluation. I just...stared at her with the look of shock and she turned away, LOL. The idea being that the judge will not know who's rabbit is who's so they can be fair and honorable with the judging. :)

Other than that, HAVE FUN!!! Ask questions! Don't take it personally if a person has to bolt away to toss rabbits on the table, they don't give much advance warning before a breed judging begins. ;)

Bearing in mind I've only been to a handful of shows, so I'm sure I'm forgetting something, LOL. More experienced people will have better advice I'm sure!
rabbit show people are WONDERFUL! I can't say that about most dog show people and from what I have heard even less about horse show people.

I think it has to do with the $$$
it take a lot of $$$ to show horses, a bit less to show dogs, and just few bucks to show rabbits.
SOOOOO you get more good, happy, less stressed, rabbit show people thus making for a wonderful day with friends.
Thanks guys! I'm really looking forward to the adventure :) AND I'm hoping to find folks around here that actually have rabbits! I keep finding the we-used-have and the we-want-to-have (both of which are good) but I'd like to find some that DO have.
Over the last few years, life has moved me out of the horse world, and as flakey as show horse folks can be, I really miss the comradery and am looking forward to new friends.
I used to love showing horses....but it just wasn't in the budget and time isn't as easy to come by in college. There are people that have their own horse,ride everyday, and can afford to show every single weekend....I'd like to know what jobs they have! Usually it's just mom's and dad's money paying everything so past competitors have been very bratty and stuck up.

With rabbits, I feel like I'm on the same plain field. Usually everyone there is very down to earth and nobody is above the other.
Peach":q94ru2d0 said:
I used to love showing horses....but it just wasn't in the budget and time isn't as easy to come by in college. There are people that have their own horse,ride everyday, and can afford to show every single weekend....I'd like to know what jobs they have! Usually it's just mom's and dad's money paying everything so past competitors have been very bratty and stuck up.

With rabbits, I feel like I'm on the same plain field. Usually everyone there is very down to earth and nobody is above the other.

I used to show when I was in High School...then college happened and I ended up selling my horse. He was too nice a horse to sit in a pasture without anybody riding him and I didn't have the time. He ended up being a child's first horse (which is adorable if you imagine a tiny little girl on a 1,200 lb. Paint gelding!!!) and loved every minute of it. I eventually lost contact with the new owners (last time I heard from them, they were still crazy in love with him) I'm sure he's passed away and I just don't wanna know for real, LOL. My other horse passed when he was 35, before I went to college.

Someday I'll have horses again, but I doubt I will show them...or if I do, only occasionally and only for fun. :) I burned out on heavy duty competition.

Rabbit showing has been REALLY fun though. :)