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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
El Paso, TX
Best doe just died, looks like heat stroke... safe to eat the meat? Had to have been in the past 40 minutes?

If you're sure it was heat stroke and that it is very recent, I suppose it would be safe, but I don't know how the stress of such a death might affect the quality of the meat. I don't think I'd bother myself.
i find when they die of heat stroke that the body is incredibly hot inside.
I simply wouldn't do it. dog food to MY dog yes (if I had a dog that is), people food no.
yeah, it was extremely hot inside the body cavity.<br /><br />__________ Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:15 pm __________<br /><br />Well, I butchered as if for consumption... the meat looks good, smells good. She was a big rabbit, the carcass is nearly the same size as a one of the goat kids I slaughtered a while back for cabrito :) (they were young).

Maybe I will eat it myself and see if I die :).
My opinion,
as it would be with any food: When in Doubt, throw it out!
You can never be too careful with your health.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
yup, probably should... though I eat Tripitas in Juarez... I don't know how this could be more risky :)

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