Need Help with Doe delivering

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
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Gloucester, Virginia
Today is day 31 and doe has pulled fur and built a nest. I woke up this am and noticed blood in the cage, some blood not huge amounts. It's 8 hours later and the doe still hasn't kindled. I'm concern she has a stuck kit. I've flipped her and her genitals are very red. It feels lumpy below her genital and somewhat down and around her butt. It doesn't feel like a kit but then again I've never felt a stuck kit. She is lying down extended a lot and at times I can see her back end move like maybe she is contracting. I've also seen her sitting with her head in the genital area. I have had over dozen deliveries and don't recall any like this. Doe is a first time Mini Lop.

Will a retained kit be really obvious?
Is it normal to have blood but no kits for over 8 hours?
What should I do? I have baby oil that I could lube her up with.

This freaking sucks.

Update : She passed one dead kit very long at 7:00 pm
I don't know how to tell you to help if it is a retained kit, but a doe can suspend labor if she feels anxious, so you might try just letting her alone for a while so she'll relax.<br /><br />__________ Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:57 pm __________<br /><br />:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:

Good luck!!!
Thanks Kyle, Coffenut and MSD for the kind words and assistance. She is resting a lot right now so I'll wait and see what happens. Off to reread that page.
MamaSheepdog":28vshhl1 said:
Any progress, Ckcs? :clover:

Yeah one dead kit so far, very elongated. I'm used to finding the does after they have done everything. I seem to recall catching one doe delivering and she seemed to deliver them all rather rapidly. How fast do they deliver each kit. I have a feeling all the kits are going to be dead and it will be back to the breeding board for the doe. I hate waiting for kits to arrive.
Sorry to hear that. :( The same thing happened with my JW doe, Summit.

Sometimes they will still have viable kits, even up to a day later. If not, rebreed her right away. Does are very receptive post kindling and usually release a lot of eggs, resulting in larger litters/smaller kits.
MamaSheepdog":2yl3j1fk said:
Sorry to hear that. :( The same thing happened with my JW doe, Summit.

Sometimes they will still have viable kits, even up to a day later. If not, rebreed her right away. Does are very receptive post kindling and usually release a lot of eggs, resulting in larger litters/smaller kits.

I'm hoping she has at least a couple live kits. I had another first time doe kindle last week and 2 out of 7 were alive and are doing spectacular. I will rebreed her back if she is unsuccessful this time. The doe is about 2 years old which is not ideal. She is spending a lot of down downstairs so I expect she will deliver soon. The first kit kind of freaked us out. We took her out to see how she looked and noticed the kit partially out. We could tell it was dead and lubed her up with some mineral spirits then the kit popped right out and onto the floor.

__________ Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:02 pm __________

Well it's now midnight. The doe was in the nesting area for about 30 minutes and I was getting excited. At one point I even saw her eating a placenta which was a beautiful yet disgusting sight. No more bunny kisses for her for a few days. She finally left the nest and I checked and nothing. Must have been the placenta from the dead kit that she delivered earlier. I hope morning brings good news.
Nothing overnight. This is frustrating. I'm wondering if she only had the 1 kit and is done. How long does one wait until they throw in the towel and start over (rebreed)<br /><br />__________ Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:39 pm __________<br /><br />Well late the next day the doe delivered 2 more dead kits bringing the total to 3. They were all very elongated. With her having the kits so far apart, I'm not sure if she is done.
Darn. It is so disappointing to have dead kits. :(

Even if she isn't done, you can rebreed her now.
That's frustrrating. However this is interesting to
Me as my doe is possible pregant and did
Not know they could have kits that far apart. My
Guess was that they had them all in one dump. :)

Sorry she hasn't delivered any wiggly buns
For you yet. :( hope next time will be better for you.
Rebreeding her will help stimulate contractions so if a kit is retained, it will come out.
When the Holland had problems, I rebred her and that induced contractions as well.

I know this seems obvious, but did you feel her? When the Mini Rex had the problem, I could feel more kits inside of here. Every so often I massaged her to stimulate contractions. I can't remember how many days it took, I think three or four, and she had a total of around six kits.

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