Need help: snuffles in pregnant doe

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Active member
Jul 4, 2016
Reaction score
Mogollon Rim, 7,000 ft, Arizona
Fairly new breeder here. I caught a sign of snuffles in my doe's first litter that was growing out. I culled three, but now my doe is two weeks pregnant and has a runny nose. I don't seem to see/hear sneezing, but runny nose. She has been digging in the ground when she gets time in her rabbit run area, but I wouldn't think dirt in the nose would cause it, I would think it is snuffles.

What should I do? Do I cull her now (and the gestating babies) or let her give birth and see who survives, then cull those that are healthy?

Need help ASAP as I need to know if I should cull her now before the kits get any bigger.

My buck is showing no signs, though I am culling 2-3 of my grow-outs due to runny noses. I had wanted to keep a couple from the litter that is growing out right now, but don't know if they'll make it or they will all get it.
I have a doe currently that gets a little running nose while pregnant but other than that she is fine. From my experience, not a whole lot but some, some does stress more easily than others and the snuffles can be an outward sign of this stress. I had a chin doe that would get snuffly every time she was stressed. No kidding I could sneeze and that would be enough to trigger an onset of runny nose. I culled her but kept one of her daughters. The daughter is the one that gets a little runny nose while pregnant but it clears up right after she kindles. They both have really great Dress out percentages, 60+%, but I may just cull her.

Anyways, the call is on you. A doe that gets the snuffles every time she gets stressed and who is easily stressed could be hazardous to your herd as a whole.

Best of luck,

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