Women who have to have that pair of shoes, that dress, that handbag, that smartphone...
That new rabbit :razz:
I agree Miss M.
My husband will never refuse anything I
seriously ask for.
(except for the pony :roll: )
We are not high income, Actually I'm not sure we qualify as
lower middle class. Probably closer to
working class.
But, in his eyes, I shouldn't work. I shouldn't lift a finger..
If I pout...He'll do anything and everything to put a smile back on my face.
If I truly want something...he'll move mountains to get it for me.
(again, so long as it isn't a pony. :evil
You'd almost think I was a trophy wife or something... I'M NOT!
The same applies for kids as well. I guess, he's only a tightwad when it comes to spending on
HIMSELF. :roll:
Yeah, I think, his pride as a man may be partially based on what he can provide for the rest of us
Some men must just be like that.
But, I think, they NEED mates whom they can trust not to exploit their kind nature. The kids were raised without TV, and tend to have far fewer wants than one might expect at their age. See...those shared care values come in handy all over the place.
Some women are hard working and supportive like that too, and they
need partners who will not take advantage of the
best part of them.