My rabbits think I'm a rockstar!

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
coastal southeast North Carolina
Last night, I gave my rabbits kale, parsley, and PAPAYA. They'd never had papaya before and a few were hesitant to try it at first. But, by this morning when I went to check on them...oh, were they LOVING ME!!! The only one who had not eaten (much) of his papaya was the JW who is Mr. Picky Butt. (He did, however, eat his kale and parsley much to my surprise.)

I did not give them the seeds as I could not remember if seeds were okay. The chickens got the seeds and the end pieces. They also think I am a ROCKSTAR!

So, are the seeds rabbit safe?
Oh, and somehow I ended up with a garden bed full of papaya tree saplings. Can rabbits eat these?
I've been told that an occasional slice of papaya helps prevent wool block. I know it's a natural meat tenderizer due to the papayacin content.
hoodat":wo9ezn6k said:
I've been told that an occasional slice of papaya helps prevent wool block. I know it's a natural meat tenderizer due to the papayacin content.

Very true...just not sure about the possibility of feeding the leaves/stems/trunk of a papaya sapling. I started another thread on this subject -- I'd love to get your input!

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