My rabbits' eating her own droppings-

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2022
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So, my rabbit is eating her own droppings, and she keeps doing this. I try to stop her... I also heard by someone that this specific thing is beneficial, and nutritious- Do y'all agree? What do you guys say...?
So, my rabbit is eating her own droppings, and she keeps doing this. I try to stop her... I also heard by someone that this specific thing is beneficial, and nutritious- Do y'all agree? What do you guys say...?
Most rabbits do this, and it's fine unless they're sick, in which case they usually won't eat them.

Rabbits make two kinds of poops - the regular little balls and another type called cecotropes, which look like soft, tiny clusters of poop-colored grapes. 😆

Cecotropes are actually critical for the rabbits' health, as they come from the cecum, where food is fermented after it's first eaten. It's kind of like cows and goats chewing their cud, but for rabbits it comes out the other end. When you see your rabbit reach under itself to its vent, then settle back and chew contentedly, that's what it's doing. If a rabbit is prevented from doing this completely, it can end up malnourished.

Rabbits also sometimes also eat the hard little marble poops. In fact that is how kits in the nest box get their initially sterile guts colonized by the helpful microbes from the mother's gut - they nibble at the poops left in the box by mom.
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Mot rabbits do this, and it's fine unless they're sick, in which case they usually won't eat them.

Rabbits make two kinds of poops - the regular little balls and another type called cecotropes, which look like soft, tiny clusters of poop-colored grapes. 😆

Cecotropes are actually critical for the rabbits' health, as they come from the cecum, where food is fermented after it's first eaten. It's kind of like cows and goats chewing their cud, but for rabbits it comes out the other end. When you see your rabbit reach under itself to its vent, then settle back and chew contentedly, that's what it's doing. If a rabbit is prevented from doing this completely, it can end up malnourished.

Rabbits also sometimes also eat the hard little marble poops. In fact that is how kits in the nest box get their initially sterile guts colonized by the helpful microbes from the mother's gut - they nibble at the poops left in the box by mom.
Oh okay, thank you so much! I thought she shouldn't of had been eating it that much... But I guess it's normal LOL
So, my rabbit is eating her own droppings, and she keeps doing this. I try to stop her... I also heard by someone that this specific thing is beneficial, and nutritious- Do y'all agree? What do you guys say...?
They need to eat their poop for their health. Don’t worry about it or try and stop her. She needs to do it wether you think it’s gross or not.
I see my doe reaching down to eat hers but I don't notice my buck doing that. The buck poops in a certain spot and piles it up. I rake that out every morning. He is very particular about his things and I don't dare move them around much.
LOL that's pretty strange, so doe's do that? 😂
They eat their poop as part of the digestive process. The soft poops they eat are called cecotropes. When the poop goes through the cecum the nutrients are broken down to get products the rabbit needs. They have to eat these to get the nutrition. So it is sort of like a cow having a second stomach. Second part of their digestive process.
They eat their poop as part of the digestive process. The soft poops they eat are called cecotropes. When the poop goes through the cecum the nutrients are broken down to get products the rabbit needs. They have to eat these to get the nutrition. So it is sort of like a cow having a second stomach. Second part of their digestive process.
Yaur, I get it! Thank you so much! :)