My Rabbits are Dying!!

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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We just got back from a month long vacation yesterday. A few days ago my buck Charlie randomly died.
This morning my 6 month old doe Cerium died, and now my 4 year old doe Marshmellow is acting weird!!
I don't know anything about Charlie's death, as we were gone.
Cerium was acting a bit weird yesterday, she was hopping around in the morning, but she did have a little bit of diarhea. Later that day she was just sitting in the corner of her cage, which is what Mashmellow is doing right now.
Do any of you know what this is? If you do could you please tell me?

(And sorry for not getting on for a loooooong time)

-- Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:21 pm --

Sorry for posting this... But it might help...


And I don't know if it is just me... But the eyes seem to be different than a healthy rabbits....
So sorry, LittleBunny--what a sad situation to come home to. :(

Talk to whoever was caretaker for your buns while you were gone and find out if there were any changes in feed during that time. Diarrhea suggests that it is likely a digestive disorder of some kind.

I don't remember how many rabbits you have, but when something like this gets into a rabbitry, sometimes the death toll is high. While you are sorting this out, I suggest taking away their pellets and feeding grass hay and kitchen oatmeal.

There are plants that can help combat diarrhea: the leaves of blackberry, raspberry and strawberry and also the lawn weeds plantain and shepherd's purse.

I know at this point that you do not have many details of signs and symptoms to report, but if any appear, please post again so we can try to help you.
There was no change in feed while we were gone, except for new hay, but that was at the beginning of the month.

I had 3 rabbits.. and so far 2 have died...

Well Marshmellow has stuff all over her nose, but I'm not sure if it is water or something else... <br /><br /> -- Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:39 pm -- <br /><br /> Marshmellow is having trouble breathing now... :cry:
I'm so sorry, LittleBunny! :cry: I wish I had some answers for you. If Marshmallow is having problems breathing, it sounds like a respiratory infection... but it is really difficult to say without more information. (((HUGS)))
I am so sorry, LittleBunny! :cry:

Perhaps the feed or hay got moldy? Or maybe it's heat-related? I can't think... but with Marshmellow having trouble breathing now, I just don't know... :cry: Could be respiratory infection, heat stroke, ...
When I don't know what to do ... I hydrate the rabbit by syringing water or pedialyte into them. (lots of homemade pedialyte recipes online- best if its low sugar). With a lot of illnesses rabbits get, the illness isn't what kills them its the dehydration. And I know hydrating them won't cure what's wrong but it may buy you some time to figure out what to do. I'm sorry this is happening :(.