My new setups for the rabbits

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
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Big Island of Hawaii
So I have been working on this project for a while now. I'm putting 8 long skinny runs in an area that is 16 feet wide and 12 feet long. Each bun will have about 2 feet wide by 12 feet long run. 3/4 of each run is under cover.

I put up the third run today!

And no, I don't worry about them digging out, they are on old lava flow. They could only dig down a couple inches if that.


nice rabbit runs.
I think that your chicken is trying to figure out why the bunny has all the good straw and she has none.
It's still evolving. After I get all 8 runs done I plan on doing a strip covering the backside so that they can't hop up on their nestboxes and well... Hop OUT! lol Each bun will get a home depot bucket to snuggle in, and the moms will have nest boxes as needed. I'm also going to start trying to do some litter box training. At least 3 are already somewhat litter trained.
Not really. Mongoose, which frankly if they really wanted into a cage they could get in. I trap them and kill them on a regular basis.

I have dogs, but the dogs don't bother the rabbits, chickens, parrots, goats, sheep, etc. Not even in play.

I'm fully fenced so we have less worries about feral dogs.

I have a cat, he keeps the feral cats away and he's find with all the farm animals.
Nice space for the rabbits to run in, but I would cover the runs. Rabbits can easily jump over that height and may also simply climb the wire if they want into an adjoining pen.
CWD, I think the chicken is saying, "What kind of a chicken is THAT?" :p

Nice runs, and I agree with MSD, I would cover them with something. They look like they are what, two feet high? Definitely jumpable for a determined larger bun.
Good looking run :p Might want to put some chicken wire over the top I had to we have big hawks in our area. They can get a big rabbit with no problem. Do you have anything down to keep them from digging out?? :dig-hole: Great run.
Nice runs, good work! They can have speed races back and forth!! :lol:
I have had some growouts in a chain link pen. I lined it with chicken wire. Those little brats climbed the corner wire up to 3 feet and squeezed out of a little hole. I was surprised they could even get through the hole. I took care of the problem by eating them. So yes cover the pens rabbits can be Houdini' s.
Yeah, I'm worried about them jumping out as well, but I do love the runs you made :)
Well all the buns were in their runs this morning, but I imagine you are all correct. I have to find an easily moveable option. One of the reasons I did the runs was so I could go in there with them! lol<br /><br />__________ Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:02 am __________<br /><br />I really want them to have as much room as possible to run and frolick. I'm hoping to make larger runs in the future. lol
The lid thing is why I decided to make tall pens :p
I'd imagine that for any easily removable option you'd need a stable frame to rest it on and possibly hinges. Or you could use a net (like a plastic or nylon net) or something just snapped on the sides. Or a bed sheet, anything to discourage jumping. :)

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