My new cage.

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Active member
Mar 7, 2013
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This is one of my new cages

I use a ice chest for my watering system and run my pvc pipe in the back of my cage

My guttering for the rabbits poop runs in to a Lowes bucket that I have drilled several holes in and put 4`` - 5`` of peatmoss for the pee, then landscape cloth to catch the poop.

I have run a drain line to the guttering to flush the poop and pee in to the bucket

So far l like this.
Any comments or suggestions are welcome.
Ok you asked for it lol
born on 1-May-13 and I have them on CL for sell.
Thanks for the info Fire-Man
Would the plastics ones work better? There more $$ than the tin ones but...
And where is your poop going to? I see the pipe going into the ground
ArtPick":37x57yqi said:
Thanks for the info Fire-Man
Would the plastics ones work better? There more $$ than the tin ones but...
And where is your poop going to? I see the pipe going into the ground

I do not feel the plastic ones will work better. I was happy with my set-up when I got it finished. The urine goes under ground to a homemade septic tank. I catch the poop on screen wire frames you can see under the cages. I use the poop to feed my MANY worms and put the extra in the garden as well as the worm castings. About a year after I made this setup I was sick of it, the tin was rusting which made it harder to keep clean. I would spend several hours per week cleaning---spraying the tin---It got old. You can only see part of my setup I had 22 cages all setup this way. If I was going to do this setup again I would design it where I could use a tarp/plastic and use a painted or treated wood instead of tin(but the tin as support will work) to support the plastic. I would design it where the plastic was easy to change and I would change it when needed. If you have not seen my New rabbitry I will tell you---It is So Easy to keep up. I been using it for about 7 months now and I bet I have less than 2 hours in cleaning time in 7 months, that would count dumping the poop screens about once a week or as needed. My rabbitry has NO smell or urine---if it gets the lightest smell I move it. Can I LOVE my rabbitry---I do!! Here is a couple pictures. ... 9d3095.jpg ... 7516bb.jpg
This one a like.
Next one should be 4 levels for 8 compartments.
The tin corrosions you can silve by painting it with tar disolved in gasoline.
It will harden good and become acid proof.

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