My harlequins! (dial up beware!)

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so you're saying that my bug (blue magpie) that black doe I got from you... combined with my chocolates just MIGHT get me black? Too cool! :)
ladysown":1kos4uwy said:
so you're saying that my bug (blue magpie) that black doe I got from you... combined with my chocolates just MIGHT get me black? Too cool! :)

Blue is dilute, chocolate is not. There for if the chocolate does not carry dilute and the blue does not carry chocolate then all you'll get is black. However if they both carry each other then black is roughly more of a 25% chance of happening.

Chocolate: aabbC_D_E
Blue : aaB_C_ddE

Black out of a blue and chocolate: aaBbC_DdE
quintex":3b6hzzli said:
Tomcatrabbitry - The first one is def chocolate but are you thinking the 3rd is also chocolate? She is supposed to be lilac but maybe I did too much editing in photoshop?

And for those of you with show/registration experience -- to register a harlequin does it also need to be correctly marked? And for pedigree purposes, what age should they be weighed at to put on pedigrees as their recorded weight?

Yes, I thought the third one was chocolate, sorry lol I see that she's lilac now.

To register a Harlequin it does have to be correctly marked and be prepared to back it up. Try to get some proof that the rabbit has been shown and wasn't disqualified. I took my best Harlie buck, with 7 G.C. legs mind you, to get registered and she wouldn't register him because he was "Dutch marked". I whipped out his comment cards and legs, and she still refused, so she took him over to a judge who confirmed that Chex was a lovely Harlequin specimen whom he had in fact judged earlier that day. Registrar did register him but was not happy with me and I haven't had her register any of my Harlies again.

As for weights, I'd go with their weight at 6 months and not before. If you sell them earlier, leave it blank. I actually don't weigh mine until the day that I breed them.