My doe won't breed! Is it because it's fall?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2012
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So I've been trying to breed my doe for a month now and she will not except a buck. About three times a week I've put her with two different bucks. One mounted a few times but never tucked and roled. Why won't she breed? I've tried cider viniger, raspberry tea, car rides, idk what else to do! She does live outside and the days have been getting shorter should this really change her mood so much? Help?
Trying putting a light with a timer on her to restore her back to normal summer daylight patterns.
MamaSheepdog":3q2ipwit said:
Have you been checking the color of her vulva? This thread might help:

My does vulva is never that color always light pink, my other doe is the same I've never seen her have anything but light pink but she's been bred multiple times.<br /><br />__________ Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:27 pm __________<br /><br />Also how many hourse of light should she have? I don't have a timer but I'll just turn the light on and of. When should to do this?
I turn it on at 5:45am when I go out to feed/water, leave it on until I leave around 6:45, turn it on again around 6pm, and off again at 9pm. I have an auto on the back where the buns and chickens used to be, I will probably get one for the barn this winter. I think it's suppose to be 14 hours.
I never thought of this. I may have just happened upon my problem here. I will surely be adding bright lights to the barn and keeping them going 14 hours a day. I hope it works for your does too. :)
I had the majority of my litters between Jan and May, up until the heat. I didn't leave the lights on for breeding reasons, but because I didn't want to unplug them until I was done, so I left them on until I left or went to bed. The barn also faces the street and the street lights shine in enough for me to see what's in my way, so that might be enough light, and the reason why I never noticed a slowdown on breeding. Also my does never got that purple before either, and I never started checking vulva color until does suddenly would not breed in August. Now I'm trying to make a note of it to see the patterns.
I am pretty sure I palpated babies tonight in one of my magpies so well see what comes of that. I have so many that should be bred but nothing yet. Colonies are a little different because you may not have exact breeding dates to go by. But you also don't have to wait 30 days for a missed doe either. Keeping fingers crossed.
I think I have one Rex doe, this will be her first litter. I am pretty positive Holland #2 is pregnant, she hasn't misses since I started breeding her and she's always on time.

of course the Hollands never lift, they are always force bred.