My Doe not Breeding

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Feb 2, 2013
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Hello Everyone,
I have a Cali/New Zealand Doe that is about 6 months old, and she is not breeding. I've tried many many times on different days but she will not let the buck mate with her. she keeps making a noise everytime he tries to mate with her and she wont lift for him. Any idea what the problem could be ?
Below is a picture of the Doe with my red New Zealand Buck out of their hutch.
Well, I guess she really dosen't think he is all that. You might want to try a bigger buck who has been there and done that, after all the girls really decide if your going to get lucky or not...right? :groovyhippie:
This Buck is proven. and thats the only buck i have for now. is there any way to make her change her mind lol ?
Sometimes the doe just don't like the buck.
Some breeders allow the female to pick out the buck she likes or they will trade you out either the female or the buck.
You can also go to breeders and pay a small fee to have her bred to one of their bucks :bunnyhop:
You can put apple cider vinegar (ACV) in her water, 1 - 2 Tablespoons per gallon. You can give her a little BOSS (black oil sunflower seed) each day for a few days. I think raspberry, blackberry, and strawberry leaves are supposed to help.

The idea is that she could be a little deficient in something, and these things can help correct that over the course of a few days.

Or you could force breed her. I have done it by putting my hand on the head of the doe, and sliding my other hand under her abdomen, and lifting her rear up. I had to try different heights and such for him to be successful. :roll: The doe pretty much let me do it, though. She took, and had a litter.
:yeahthat: If what Miss M said to try doesn't work, (ACV etc) then I would definitely force and after she eventually takes then I would mate her again 4/5 weeks after kindle. MUCH easier to get them bread that way.
Whipple":1aj9b6fu said:
How old is she? Is she proven? Have you checked her vent color?

she is about 6-7 months old according to the breeder i bought her from. i haven't checked her vent color cause she will not stay still she is aggressive if i try to turn her on her back. The breeder also said she is half Cali/half New Zealand to me she looks pure Cali but i might be wrong.

__________ Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:37 am __________

grumpy":1aj9b6fu said:

she looks to be very healthy.


i give her unlimited amount of pellets so it is possible. I'll try to limit her feed.

__________ Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:37 am __________

__________ Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:38 am __________

Miss M":1aj9b6fu said:
You can put apple cider vinegar (ACV) in her water, 1 - 2 Tablespoons per gallon. You can give her a little BOSS (black oil sunflower seed) each day for a few days. I think raspberry, blackberry, and strawberry leaves are supposed to help.

The idea is that she could be a little deficient in something, and these things can help correct that over the course of a few days.

Or you could force breed her. I have done it by putting my hand on the head of the doe, and sliding my other hand under her abdomen, and lifting her rear up. I had to try different heights and such for him to be successful. :roll: The doe pretty much let me do it, though. She took, and had a litter.

i actually just started giving her ACV today i'll do it for a week and see what happens.
My Chin can't easily breed with my Cali buck, he is too small and can't find the right spot. The SF buck is larger and gets it right. Not impossible for the Cali, he's fathered one of her litters, but that might of just been luck!

Bring her over every day or every other day, but don't get them too used to each other. Put them in a small cage, not free to run away from him, the buck will tire and get bored of it.
Check her color, when her color is dark, pat the base of her tail, if she lifts, she should lift for him, unless he is not poking at the right spot. Never had a doe lift by patting her back or butt, only the base of the tail. Also, if her tail is down and not against her back, it's even more unlikely she will lift, because he can't tap the right spot. So sometimes tying her tail and just keeping it up and out of the way works. My bucks don't like hands that far down, lol.
First off, that's a beautiful buck!!

I agree with CnB - sometimes a smaller buck with a larger doe just doesn't work. I have a couple of larger does and one of my bucks is smaller - he tries and tries but just can't get it done. I put those girls with the larger buck and there are no problems. Sometimes, the doe simply doesn't like the buck.
Our cali doe I bought last fall, as an adult age unknown, we've tried to breed her and she just wouldn't!!! We tried everything! We finally decided to put her in with our french lop buck who is nothin' but business when it comes to breeding. He bred her when nobody else could. She had 8 kits yesterday!! :D
SuburbanHomesteader":2ogvs475 said:
First off, that's a beautiful buck!!

I agree with CnB - sometimes a smaller buck with a larger doe just doesn't work. I have a couple of larger does and one of my bucks is smaller - he tries and tries but just can't get it done. I put those girls with the larger buck and there are no problems. Sometimes, the doe simply doesn't like the buck.

Thank you.
I would try her on a differnet buck but the problem is he is the only buck i got. My New Zealand Doe lifted for him even though is the same size as my cali doe.
Can you feel her spine when you run your fingertips down it?

I understand some Cals have very well-developed loins which make it difficult to feel the spine even on a rabbit that is not fat... so you would use your fingertips to press between the loins to feel the spine.
When does hit 4 months of age, you need to start limiting their food intake to 4-5 ounces of feed per day. Otherwise, they'll build internal fat, making it nearly impossible to get the settled and bred.

My does are always a little on the thin side. It's very easy to put the weight on them and very difficult to thin them back down.

If you leave the youngsters with them for any length of time after they're weaned, Mama Doe will start putting on weight because of the free-feed required for the youngsters. There's a fine line you need to walk if the doe isn't rebred and still has growing youngsters in the pen with her.

i tried few different methods with this doe, but nothing worked. i took her in a car ride, i changed her cage for one night, i limited her food intake and finally i gave her apple cider vinegar and nothing worked on her. I butchered her yesterday, not just because she wasn't breeding well that was the main reason, but also i needed her cage to wean some babies out.

__________ Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:46 pm __________

Here is a picture i took few days ago of the Red NZ Mother and her babies.

Was she fat? She could have very well been too young. Some does want to wait, which is annoying when you don't have time to wait. Been there ;)
Whipple":g9i6xc54 said:
Was she fat? She could have very well been too young. Some does want to wait, which is annoying when you don't have time to wait. Been there ;)

yes, she had some fat on her. she was about 6-7 months old which should've been good age for her to breed.

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