My Daughter and her pregnant Rabbit

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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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So I dont know if this is the right place to put this topic but anyways
I have a few house lions and my Daughter had picked a quality BEW doe out of my friends litter I couldn't say no. She is now 5 1/2 months old and currently 16 days pregnant, I have never bred any of my house bunnies before but she was to beautiful not to at least try to get a litter :oops: long story short my Daughter plays and holds and picks up all the house bunnies (shes 4)
Is it ok to let her play with the doe at this stage of pregnancy or should I keep her off limits?
my brother who is 3 always played with my pregnant doe, she bit him.
I think it is okay to play with a pregnant doe, as long as your daughter doesn't stress your doe out, or if your doe gets mean.
I think as long as the Doe does not seem stressed it would be ok for gentle petting and a little bit of exercise time.I have a doe that had a litter of 2 recently that I swore was not pregnant and she got picked up and let out as if normal. I think that if I felt she was pregnant I probably would have not handled her as much cause who really likes being poked at while pregnant ;)
I don't think I'd let a 4 yr be picking up a prego bunny but having her on her lap, sitting on the floor playing is fine as long as the doe is comfortable with it.
Thank you guys for your opinions! This helped alot, I think I will just keep a close eye and let her play gently.