My cat is coming home after 5 years!

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2012
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I woke up to a text message thi morning..

"Hi, are you Zab? We have a cat here we believe is yours and she wants to come home :)"

I first thought ''Oh, they've found Bau and believed she was missing..oh well, I'll go get her." Bau is one of my two current cats. I live on the countryside and she comes and goes as she pleases. Sometimes she's gone a few days. I answered back and we texted back and forth. I asked for a description to know if it was Bau or Cleo, but as I got the message I noticed Cleo on the couch. Tey sent a picture but my phone wouldn't open it so I answered:

"I can't see the picture but it must be Bau: White and black/brown painted?"

"Yes, she has lot of pretty colours and is really sweet. :)"

A moment later:

"It say her name's Shavlon Bastet..."

At that point I called.
They say their grandfather or something had this cat, she came at days and left at night. Got fed etc. And he died. And they just now noticed she was tattooed (and she's still registered on my name) and they're leaving the house... or something. I have no idea, I'm still shocked that my cat's here and I can't wait to see her..

They're waiting for her to come back after the nights hunt, they'll keep her there and call me again.

She disappeared at 2008 when I had just moved to my appartment I had back then. I think she was on her way back to the farm (here) when she got stalled. It's just a few miles and she grew up here.. when she never came back I was sure she had died.. and she's been living just a couple of mils away all this time..

This is Lonna, back in 2008 before she disappeared..
Oh wow! How fantastic for you, Zab!

I can't imagine how you must be feeling.
That is AMAZING!!!!

I am so glad you got your cat back.

Sweden must have quiet the licensing system if cats are tattooed and kept on file for over 5 years. I think the shelters on this side of the pond wouldn't be so over-run if more cats and dogs were required to have permanent identification.

All my dogs and cats, even the wild barn cats, have microchips so if they are picked up they will be scanned and brought back to me.
She's home..
She walked straight up to me when I got there and let me pick her up..

I've barred the door in my half of the house so she can get fresh air without getting out, bought a new littebox and arrangedso she'll live her away from the oher cats and dogs for a while..(they can sniff each other through a net in another door) I hope to be able to let her out soon enough, but if I do it right now I'm sure she'll go back again..
It just feels unreal.. she's walking around stroking against everything, purring and every now and then coming back to me for a treat.. hehe, she's quite spoiled..


Registration is awesome.. if you use it. I've tattooed all my cats because I know most people won't check for a chip in a cat. But the tattoo is something you can check online yourself, no police or vet involved.
Not everyone registers their cats though. It's usually done when they're spayed/neutered but it's not everyone who does it.. I'm sure happy I do!
How wonderful to know she's been well looked after. I hope you have many years together.
That's amazing!!! I can't imagine the feeling you must have gotten when you realized what cat it was... WOW!!!
So glad Lonna is back home!! My cats and dogs are microchipped. I have still lost a few cats and assumed that they are dead. I get strays checked for chips when I find them. I would rather reunite them with their owners then them having to go to the pound.
People here usually check dogs, but they take it for granted that cat's are stray and unwanted.. probably because here are so many stray cats. So I prfer a visible marking :) I don't have much faith in collars.

I just fed Lonna some canned food.. and ham..
This far she seems content at being indoors. She's found herself a hiding spot and comes and greets me when I enter the hallway (I have a room that's divided into two sections + an attic-like loft upstairs and downstairs there is like a hallway. I've sectioned these off from the rest of the house so she'll stay safe for a while.) She seems content... I had expected more meowing or acting anxious.. maybe even hiding. Definetly wanting to get out.. but this far she acts like this is all normal. Maybe she does recognize it after all these years..
Thanks, yes she is :)

So, she had some coughing the first night but I think it may the canned food. My other cat reacted the same way to one brand of canned. I didn't give her any more and the coughing has decreased a lot.
I'm worming all of the cats (one of the others had worms, I might as well fix all).

She's acting as if she never left.. except that she's way more social now. But I do think she recognize her old home.. at least this part (the rest is re-built) :)
I have the doors open to the rest of the house when I'm home now, so the cats meet each others an she can explore more. No open doors to the outside though.
The cats of course hates each other by sight (well, my two other ones still only tolerate one and another) but it's not too bad. As long as they don't see each other they're veeeeery curious about the new smell :lol:
Cleo is the one meeting Lonna the most. She's a great cat for introduction.. she does her part of growling and hissing, but for the most of the time she just sits all quietly and calmly untill the other cat gets bored with growling. Then Cleo moves closer and it repeats.. :lol: She's such an insistent, stubborn and annoying cat.. but very sweet!

Lonna greets me with a meow and purr everytime I get into my room now.
Congratulations on getting her back after so long! I had someone steal my tripod kitty and she lived in the wild for a year before I got her back through 'someone who knew someone', she had hunted and scavenged food from several small farms for that time.
Wow! That is incredible! :p

I like to think that she knew the old fellow needed her during those years more than you did, and now that her good deed is done, she is happy to be home with you again. :)

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