More false pregnancies.....

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
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South TX
Hear we are again, day 18, and both the girls are Haystaching and one is pulling fur. Was so hoping that they took this time! Just frustrated.....
I haven't had a false pregnancy yet. But have had the same doe produce nill twice.
1st time she was only covered once. No litter. Chalked it up to hot weather.
2nd time she was covered 3x. Got 7 kits.
3rd time she was only covered once. No litter. No excuse this time.
So I'll be letting the buck cover her 3x from now on.

Best of luck,
I wouldn't rule out kits just yet. Last winter, I had a proven doe go nuts and start haystaching early. I was disappointed, but threw in a nestbox. She made her nest, then left it alone after a couple days. Right on time, she had 10 kits.

*fingers crossed*
Oh hun I feel your pain. All, but 1 of girls have teased me with a false, and no kits from any of them. The final hope I have is that I went through a desperate period, and put Cloudy in with the bucks a few times a day for a week, and marked them all on the calendar. 1 date would go by, nothing. Another date, NOTHING! Yesterday was the final date marked at day 30. I noticed a different doe with some fur in her mouth, but showed 0 signs of nesting. As I walked by Cloudy's cage she acted a bit different. There was a tiny bit of hay in her mouth from last nights snack, and she was just carrying it around, so I gave her a box, and some hay she started haystaching for hours! Did not pull any fur, "yet," but she went crazy nesting. I noticed she acted different from the other girls nesting as well. The other does would build their nest in a hurry, pull a ton of fur then fall down, and pant for an hour. She did make her nest rather quickly, but she also seemed calm, and content while doing so? Then once she was done she got a drink, and just laid down calm as could be. No heavy breathing, but again content. Today is day 31, and while I do not hold any high hopes for kits, I am just trying to keep myself calm as well.
Don't worry , South Texas is finally cooling off with highs being below the 85* mark , we'll have kits .... eventually.
I have 2 bred on the same day, and both have haystached and pulled fur, day 18 and 19. I would possibly consider one bred but when both have do done it, I think they probably aren't. And I have a new unproven buck that isn't helping the situation at all. I know the temps won't be the problem forever, and several friends are having babies so it does seen like things are getting back to normal that way. I am starting to worry that if we don't get things figured out soon, the whole rabbit project will go. Anyway, gonna try rebreeding tomorrow and see how it goes.
I've only had one false pregnancy she started nesting on day 14. It Whould have been her 3rd litter so she was proven. And she and my other rabbits usually don't start nesting till day 28 or so. I deep down knew she wasn't bred but waited to day 32. Bred her that day 28 days later started building her nest. So I think there are patterns with rabbits if a rabbit nest early and has a litter then one Whould think she Whould always nest early. But any nesting before say 18 day or so I'm thinking false preg. Tho they are rabbits and I think that they are crazy or maybe it's me :lol: One thing is I always like to see three or more covers I always watch to make sure. The miss says that I just like to watch but I think she's crazy (sometimes) :cheesysmile:
They are fun to watch doing whatever, lol:). I do watch mine, and he has no problem falling off. But seems to get stimulated quickly and doesn't put everything in the right spot. NI can get four or five fall offs from him, but the girls will have a sticky behind and back...although this time I did think he got the job done. Oh well, I guess he just needs more practice!
I always check the does vent after a few fall offs, and some have had semen on them, and some haven't. No matter where he seems to aim his business. They girls just do not want to get pregnant. -_-

My husband came out to the garage the other night with a turkey baster in his hand, and threatened to start basting them if they didn't want to do it on their own. :lol:
I checked the vents and there was a glossy substance in there, so I thought he had figured it out this time. My proven one lifted really well for him too! I will have to think about a turkey baster, hmmm maybe after
Thanksgiving, lol! Do you use ACV in their water consistently Becca?
It helps balance their hormones, and that helps with breeding. And rediness to breed. It's also great for overall health and boosts their immune system. You need the one that contain "the mother", which just looks unprocessed and pulpy. It will be more expensive but you can just use it to get them going if you want to save money and can discountinue after. I personally put a capful in their water bottles each time I fill them, but also wait til they are almost empty to refill so it's not wasted.

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