More babies due- I hope!

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Well-known member
May 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sunny, FL
Hi all,

Six, my second Doe is due tonight (day 31). This time I feel a little better prepared with my high sided all wire nestbox and my new cage. I got it from the local feed store & it is really nice- GAW wire in 1x1 all around & 1/2x1 on the floor. So hopefully Six will have her kits in that super nest she's furnishing right now but if not I shouldn't loose any to the concrete floor this time.

When Eighteen had hers I missed the entire thing- got up in the am & there they were. I had planned on turning in early tonight-- not feeling so great- but now I am so excited I want to sit out there & see how things go. Do you think she'll kindle tonight since she started this crazy stuff this evening?
Sounds like it to me, mytdogs! (I'm the voice of reading the experiences of others. Hehe!) At day 31, I'd think with behavior like that, it's probably time.

The one litter we've had so far, our doe Pearl went absolutely stark raving mad chewing on the bathroom water line, digging out almost all the contents of her litter box, and digging in the hay. She made so much noise I could barely sleep. A few hours later, she had pulled an insane amount of fur and buried eight babies in it. :lol:

(She was in the bathroom because the porch was being rebuilt. Our buck was in the other bathroom.)
Hope all goes well, Mytdogs!

Your wire nest box... is it fastened in place in some way? I'm just a little concerned that it may be vulnerable to tipping because of its light weight. I'd hate to see the popples spilled onto the cage floor because momma was a bit clumsy hopping in or out.
MaggieJ":1x2by5ig said:
Your wire nest box... is it fastened in place in some way? I'm just a little concerned that it may be vulnerable to tipping because of its light weight. I'd hate to see the popples spilled onto the cage floor because momma was a bit clumsy hopping in or out.

Thanks Maggie,

Yes it is clipped to the cage with a a bolt snap from an old dog leash....ooooh another tip for the tips/tricks board! :lol:

Tonight when I got home there was hay & HAIR! everywhere..but no kits. I just went out to check 10 minutes ago & there were 5 little babes in the nest- good job Six! She got them all in the nest. She was quite bloody but was nibbling on a piece of kale so I hope she is okay. I'm not really sure she is done yet. The kits have a bruised area on each side of the nose- possibly from passing thru the birth canal?

Four of the kits had been fed but one was empty & seemed smaller that the others. I hope she has a couple more if I'm gonna loose a runt...but then if there are only 5 she'd have a better chance of raising all of them. I spoke to the breeder & he said that kindling 7 & raising 5 was a typical scenario in his herd.
Yippee! Well done, Six! :goodjob:

Popples! :wbounce:

The runt may have arrived after she had fed the others. Most of the time rabbits kindle all their kits one after another, but there can be late arrivals. Hopefully everyone will have full bellies this morning.
WooHoo! I have heard that kits can go up to 24 hours before their first feeding. Don't give up on it yet! :)

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