Molting this early?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score
North Carolina
Maybe I'm crazy but I think something might be wrong with my doe... Her face looks like it might be molting but I don't think it should be it's only January and with this arctic winds or whatever it is we still have below freezing nights and days no higher than about 30-40 it's going up now but I don't want to loose my first doe she is my little baby. Any advice or help is good. I just want her to be ok :/
Is it possible that she is rubbing the fur off on something?If you can post a picture that may help....
I didn't think they molted in the winter???
I am where it is warm though so some molt just before winter and some just before summer. :?
My dogs are blowing their winter coats. I've never seen a noticeable amount of fur loss on the face of my rabbits. Usually it's rubbing for some reason. On something or with their paws from irritation. 2nd most common is parasites which can be a cause of the rubbing.
You can rub diatomaceous earth ( the food grade) on the you only need a small amount,be careful of her eyes..You can get it at feed stores. some will sell it by the pound. It's pretty cheap.
I would use it on her whole body because if its fur mites they do spread. Most people notice them behind the ears first though.
Someone on the forum uses mint Listerine mouthwash he said it works for fur mites..The antiseptic in it is alcohol so that should kill mites off. I have never tried it.
.With just itching maybe you can rub her down with a little oil? if its dry skin that would help...
Wish my camera wasn't broke and the one on my laptop (school issued) is blocked cause some girl got caught sending nudes. It looks like motling but just on her face. Gonna watch it over the next few days and maybe run some oil on her see it that helps if it gets worse ill put some listerine on her and if that don't work I guess I'll be making a visit to the vet