Mixed Grass Seed for rabbits?

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Jun 14, 2015
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Fairmount, Illinois
So after my husband, and I cut down the pine trees in the back we were left with some unsightly bald patches in the yard. We picked up a 2 bags of Mixed Grass Seed, and I was wondering if I could use the as fodder for the rabbits. I've looked all over the bag, and I see nothing of "treated," "growing agents added." It mostly shows which type of seeds are in the mix, and says a no Noxious Seeds were found in the bag. My rabbits have gotten a little fresh grass when I walk them so I figured IF I could use this I would be giving small squares for a few weeks.


I'd contact the company and talk to someone knowledgeable about whether or not the seed has been treated. Because it is not seed intended to be grown as food or feed, it might not be labelled.
The seeds are often treated but once established and the seed broken down the grass would be safe with one exception. Creeping red fescue and other fescues can be toxic so it would depend on the ratio that grows but these days lots of lawns probably contain creeping red fescue (it's commonly used in cheaper lawn mixes) and no one bothers to ID their grass before feeding to small animals. Luckily our feed store had bins of certain grass seeds and I got the bluegrass and rye without fescue for my guinea pigs. There are also pasture grass mixes but it depends what you are going for in your lawn.

Although looking more there is debate if low growing fescues like that truly are a risk like tall fescues. I cannot say for certain if there is an amount that would cause problems.

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