Our temp hit 96 yesterday and the rabbits were obviously stressed. The sweetest doe was acting like she was scared of me. We put ice water in bowls to help them. I dampened their ears with water by hand to help cool them off, but they didn't like it.
I ran to Home Depot to get a mister system. They're running a good deal on them if anyone wants to check them out. I got a 12 foot 3/8 system with a 10 foot extension for about $25.00. I got it temporarily installed in maybe 10 minutes. I also put a fan out there, but the wind was already pretty strong.
The temp in the sun felt easily over 100 by that time and inside the misting zone was probably around 80, maybe less. Our rabbits started acting normally pretty quickly. My wife helped me put up a 10' x 20' covered shelter to help with the heat. It was uncomfortable to do this in close to 100 degree temp, but she's a trooper.
The sun was set before we finished and I did a more permanent installation of the mister system in the dark. It tested fine, so we should be able to fight the heat more effectively from here. Today's supposed to be hotter than yesterday.
I'm hoping the heat didn't hurt the pregnant does. Two does will be due in two weeks. The other two will be ready for their first breeding about that same time.
I ran to Home Depot to get a mister system. They're running a good deal on them if anyone wants to check them out. I got a 12 foot 3/8 system with a 10 foot extension for about $25.00. I got it temporarily installed in maybe 10 minutes. I also put a fan out there, but the wind was already pretty strong.
The temp in the sun felt easily over 100 by that time and inside the misting zone was probably around 80, maybe less. Our rabbits started acting normally pretty quickly. My wife helped me put up a 10' x 20' covered shelter to help with the heat. It was uncomfortable to do this in close to 100 degree temp, but she's a trooper.
The sun was set before we finished and I did a more permanent installation of the mister system in the dark. It tested fine, so we should be able to fight the heat more effectively from here. Today's supposed to be hotter than yesterday.
I'm hoping the heat didn't hurt the pregnant does. Two does will be due in two weeks. The other two will be ready for their first breeding about that same time.