Missing skin off toe! Why? What do I do?

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Well-known member
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
Occidental, California (US)
I found one of my 8-week olds missing skin & fur off his outer toe - must hurt! Though he's running around like normal. I have no idea what to do. If it was a cut I would sterilize it and try to close it. There is no skin - it is really weird! Could it be another rabbit who ate his skin?
This bunny is destined for the stew pot but is awfully small. Anyone have any suggestions how to treat him or does he need to be put down?
Thank you!
I had that happen also- first to two young does, which both died, and then to a buck and another doe from the same litter. I think it was mice getting into the cages, and when the rabbits went to investigate, the mice bit their toes, causing the rabbit to shake its foot, which flung the mice off with a mouthful of skin.

I treated the first ones and bandaged them up, but since that didn't turn out well (understatement!) I just squirted Vetricin on the other one's toes.

Here is my post about it: post47467.html

By the way, the toe healed up and has fur- it looks perfectly normal.
Thanks Mamasheepdog- I will put some disinfectant on it. I didn't think about rodents! Glad you solved your problem. Mine I hope is not just beginning - they are outdoors, ground level.

is he on the ground itself? I wouldn't think dirt getting on it would be a good thing. I would put him in a cage if he isn't already.

Good luck with him, and I hope you don't have any further problems.
Update: a couple days later, the whole toe is missing. My suspicions is that the rabbit chewed its own toe off! I have not seen any other injuries like this, thankfully. I am not considering keeping this one even though he's a nice looking rabbit. So I am not sure its a rodent afterall.

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