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Dec 8, 2023
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Our bun miscarried her second litter today. Her first litter was a success and she beautifully raised three babes but she has had two miscarriages in a row. Tonight, many hours after I thought she was finished, she starting pulling fur and flopping around in her cage. I noticed a few small pools of blood. She appears better now and is eating normally but that just totally freaked me out! Do you think she’s finished? I was going to rebreed her in two days but now I’m wondering if she might still have viable kits? Anyone experience anything similar? What should I do for her??
She could have had a retained kit and or placental material... In general I would be more concerned that she had a unexpelled dead kit than that she had a live one in there. When was her due date? When you say "miscarriage" do you mean preterm stillbirth, or at term stillbirth?
Preterm stillbirth. Sorry, new to all this! She was 21 days along. I think she’s good to go now. I’ve tried rebreeding her but she’s not having it
Preterm stillbirth. Sorry, new to all this! She was 21 days along. I think she’s good to go now. I’ve tried rebreeding her but she’s not having it
Wait a while. I've had a couple of instances where a doe has passed a pre-term kit and then gone on to deliver a live, healthy litter on the expected date. They can reabsorb up until around the 19th day; after that the skeleton forms and they will abort instead.