Mint plants

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Big Island of Hawaii
I have a bunch of mint growing right now.

And by a bunch (I can't grow stuff) I mean like a cup of leaves total...

Anyway can the buns have the excess that I trim off the plant? Just a little here and there?

I have spearmint, ginger mint and orange mint.
I think mint dries up milk or something? It says somewhere, mint does have an effect of some sort on pregnant or nursing does... can't remember exactly.

But for bucks, growouts, and does not currently working, it should be fine. Just verify my info first. :)
I give my rabbits a small amount of mint in the summer when its very hot or if a rabbit seems to be suffering seasonal allergies (always coincides with mine so I don't cull for that). They really love it but I don't give it to pregnant or nursing does. I've never had a problem with it, just heard other people say it could cause problems. With so many other plants they can enjoy and benefit from there was no reason to risk it.
Mint is safe for bucks and dry does, but may cause problems for pregnant and nursing does. Mint (and garden sage) are useful for drying up milk when a doe has lost a litter. I have often read not to give mint to young kits, but never heard a reason for it.

The small quantities you are talking about, Dayna, should cause no problems at all except for pregnant and nursing does. It makes a nice treat for them. :)
YAY! Okay, I finally GREW something the buns can eat. haha

Seriously, I bought these three small plants thinking "boy they smell good" not actually thinking of what I might actually DO with mint.....

So I'll trim up one plant today and give the bucks and the grow outs and dry does a treat. lol
I feed mint to mine when the does aren't with kits. They will dig through their greens to get to it.

A side note, be sure to keep the mint in containers or keep a close eye on it. It is VERY invasive, and hard to get rid of.

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