Mini Rex/Holland Lop baby updates

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2012
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All four are doing good... the two black ones seem to have changed color on me though as they get their fur. So here are pictures. The mess in the cage in the background on some of these pictures is just the nest area the doe has/built.

All of them sleeping/cuddled up together.


The two "black" ones that are twins in coloring... First picture is one while the second picture is the other.


The blue/light gray one.



Then the cute broken black one.


The ones of me holding the kits aren't the best because I had to balance my camera on my breast and hold it in place while pressing the button to take the picture. I need to get a remote and tripod for my camera to take good pictures without having too much trouble. For once these weren't taken with my phone camera but my camera camera that I use to take more professional pictures with.
OMG they are so cute, and so many colors! That first brown one with the light points reminds me of a baby squirrel! What a lovely litter of fat and happy kits.
Castors look black when they are born, and the way you know they are castors is the agouti markings--the ears are pink/white inside, and the belly is pink/white underneath. As they grow out, the fur becomes red and sometimes a bit gray, then the red covers with black, then the black sometimes goes away, then comes back. Castor is the dominant color, the A gene.
They are beautiful! What a rainbow of colors you have! Taking pics of baby bunnies without help is a hard thing to do- I've tried it too. :x
Since I don't know about colors I can't say anything aside from the broken one being black and white. I haven't gotten around to researching color information or breed for color, so I'm just waiting to see what they show up to be at six or seven weeks. Before then I just guess or go with a basic color rather than getting into the different colors completely.

Could it be an opal?

The colors showing up are kind of a surprise to me since the mom is black and the father is broken brown. So the two castor and blue/light gray one are more of a surprise and showing what is hidden in the parents. I might breed the two again to see if I get the same results or new colors when the mom is ready to breed again since she is one of my inside rabbits and I don't have to worry about the heat getting to her too bad.

__________ May 7th, 2012, 4:25 pm __________

Here are the babies at two weeks (16 days) old.

All four of them

The two castors (I think/figure for now if they don't decide to change color on me)

The two castors and the unknown (blue or Chin is whats been said for it) colored one

These next ones are of the unknown colored one and will also be posted on the Rabbit Colours and Genetics board to figure out the color on. Just to show it here. blue and Chin are what have been said so far for it... I'll try to get some good pictures of it later I think I bugged it enough to make it hide in the back of the nest until feeding time.



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