Mini rex cross *Got pictures!!

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May 3, 2017
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Dresden, TN
So I have a post about my buck zuko before (he didn't have a name then) and now I got a picture of the doe I'm going to be picking up for him in October. She is a tri-color and he is a harlequin. I think she has lilac spots like her mother, but they could also be chocolate too. She has a sibling that is a chocolate and orange harlequin. My goal with this match is to get tri colored kits, though I know that some harlequins will show up too. I won't be able to actually start breeding them until around March, but what kind of colors of kits for y'all think I could get?


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She looks like a Chocolate/Orange Tri-color to me. So you should get Black and Chocolate Harlequins and Tris.
Yeah in that picture she does look chocolate, but the picture I have of her at 1 week, when she had just gotten fur, they look lilac. I'll definitely be getting pictures when I pick her up so I will get more of her
I am mostly going of the Orange as to figure out if she is Chocolate or Lilac. Because Lilac is dilute Chocolate, and Fawn is dilute Orange, you can only get Chocolate/Orange or Lilac/Fawn. After looking at her closer I think she probably is Lilac/Fawn :oops:
So if I am correct (SableSteel may have to verify this) you will get Black, Blue, and Lilac Tris and Harlequins. :bunnyhop:
She looks chocolate/orange tricolor to me. There isn't much chocolate to go off of, but just as Ozarkansas said, the dark orange (instead of fawn) indicates that this is a non-dilute tricolor (and lilac is a dilute; chocolate is not)

From this pairing you should get about 50% tricolor, 50% harlequin (on average). most likely, those will be black/orange tricolors and black/orange harlequins, but if your buck carries chocolate and/or blue you might get some chocolate/orange, blue/fawn or lilac/fawn tricolors & harlequins too.

I'm adding some pictures of dilute and non-dilute harlequin to compare to colors.
First, is a dilute (blue) harlequin. The fawn areas here are very light.


Then a non-dilute (black) harlequin. The orange areas here are darker and richer. This is a good way to tell apart dilute and non-dilute harlequins/tricolors

Thank you both!! Like I mentioned earlier I will definitely get more pictures of her when I pick her up. Their breeder is really good at getting colors of the rabbits to show vividly even if they are diluted colors, so I'll be able to tell for sure when I pick her up
SarniaTricia":zcf4xwux said:
Drooling over those crisp, clean, richly coloured, Harlequin bands.... Thank you for posting photos SableSteel... <3

:yeahthat: they are very nice

So I know my buck carries chocolate, because his mother is a chocolate/orange Tri-color. I don't know if he carries blue because I don't know what his father looks like. The doe's mother is a blue/fawn Tri-color that carries chocolate, and her father is a black/orange Tri-color. <br /><br /> __________ Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:32 pm __________ <br /><br /> Could I use a broken Chocolate doe with my black/orange Harlequin buck and get tri-color?
It depends on what they carry.

Harlequin is agouti(dominant), chocolate is self(recessive), so you will get agoutis, which is one step. The harlequin itself is, however, a recessive gene(ej). So, unless your chocolate(E) carries harlequin or non-extension(e), you will not get harlequins or tris.
TeaTimeBunnies":25bhy64f said:
Could I use a broken Chocolate doe with my black/orange Harlequin buck and get tri-color?

That's not a very good breeding. For multiple reasons.
1. You'll probably not get any tricolors or even harlequins. Unless the chocolate carries non extension (or tricolor) which isn't common in chocolate lines (because chocolate tortoise isn't recognized; at least not by ARBA standards)
2. The babies you'll get will probably be castor, but possibly harlequinized castors. So with faint harlequin markings. This makes them unshowable and can't easily be bred out of a castor line.
3. Breeding any self (including black or chocolate) increases the chances of getting torted tricolors and torted harlequins down the line which are also unshowable (that is, again, by ARBA standards I forgot to look where you are)
Thank you both!! One last question out of curiosity... at least for now. What would I likely get if I cross my Harlequin to a black otter doe?
Got my Tri-colored girl!!! She is definitely fawn, and I'm still debating between her being blue or lilac. I still haven't managed to get pictures of her color that come out right, but I'll post some when I get acceptable ones

__________ Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:23 pm __________

Here are some pictures of her colors. It was the best I could do, but it still looks too orange compared to her in person. I'm going to use a different background when I get the chance. That'll probably show the right colors


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Looks chocolate based to me; if she is lighter in real life than in these pictures, I'd call it a lilac/fawn tri
So just as an update. I'm letting her grow more and let her coat mature before taking more pictures. I'm noticing that as she grows, and her coat matures the spots are becoming more defined. I also have noticed that the spots mixed in the orange look more brown based, but the spots in the white look blue. I'll put up more pictures when she is ready to be bred. She has already shed out more if the long guard hairs she had when I got her, and has a very nice velvety coat
Going by these pictures, I'd say she is chocolate as well. Chocolate does not dilute red pigment so the orange will be the same color as in a black/orange and the black spots will be diluted to brown. However, blue (and therefore lilac) dilute the red pigments as well giving a softer look to the orange. Her orange looks to bright to be blue or lilac IMO.
She is definitely a fawn. I did mention them being poor pictures and that I was going to attempt getting better pictures. I did manage to get this picture of her, and it is the best I have gotten so far


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