So far, I'm pretty positive this litter is outdoing most of what I've had in the past couple years. :lol:
They did go on a fodder strike at about 8 weeks old, refusing to eat their mat, but even then, they still eat 1/2 to 1/4 the amount of pellets previous litters have at this age, and I'm pretty sure are bigger than most as well.

I think I like this mini rex blood. Now if only I could get him to breed the bigger does.
The chocolate fox is the biggest baby!

You go, pretty girl!
All bucks available were lazy bums on breeding day. Factor in stubborn does, and it left this Angora x Mini Rex pair. Out of all the mix and matching, they were the only ones to get anything done. :|
Figures. At least it was intentional this time. I wanted to get at least one more litter to feed my baby bunny addiction till fall, and since this litter has turned out so well and I lost my only angora buck anyway, welp. Why not. :? She palpated positive just a couple days ago, but I've been having a disappointing amount of absorbed litters recently, so time will tell if I actually get a litter.