Min. interior partition heights?

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Jul 30, 2012
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I'm finally ready to sketch up the plans for a small shed roof barn (16' x 28') that will include a 16' x 12' section for our American Chinchilla rabbits.

Center 3' wide walkway, with 2 4'x 8' pens on each side.

All exterior walls will have 2" x 2" fencing for predators and 12" high windbreaks at the floor level.

Predator protection will be at the exterior walls and door. Smaller, lighter panels on the inside to contain kits.

Floor will be concrete pavers over 2" of screenings (1/8" to 1/4" pieces of granite)for drainage. Red clay under the screenings. Probably an 8" step up into the walkway.

How high do the interior partitions need to be? I was thinking that the highest height that could be stepped over (30") would make routine chores the easiest. Is this high enough to keep adult rabbits inside the individual pen? It would not be a disaster if an adult got over the partition on rare occasions as they would either end un in the aisle or the adjacent pen.

Thanks in advance for your help with this.

I believe I was told a rabbit could scale that height, a large rabbit could do a 3 foot fence. I've seen my Rex climb over two feet.
My Netherland Dwarf free jumps over 30" walls but I cannot see my adult AmChins doing that. I would be most concerned about a buck managing to get over, they can be quite determined when the mood stikes.

I do believe the kits would have no problem scaling that height, so as long they have a more fortified set up you should be alright.
I've had rabbits jump over 30" easy. I now have a barn style door that allows the top half to open while the bottom half is closed. The bottom half is 44" tall and I haven't had any scale that height as of yet.
Thirty inches will not be anywhere near high enough. In my colony, I have five foot gates. Inside that I have an 18 inch step-over panel, just to give the buns a boundary while I feed and water them from outside the pen.

There are some pictures in this thread to illustrate what I mean.
Thanks all! Sounds like it needs to be at least 44". Outswing door with the auto type gate latch.
If there are horizontal bars, they will simply climb right up and out. Will they? Depends on the rabbit and what it's trying to get.
i have four foot high exercise pens... a rabbit can scale that easily if he's a mind to.

I'd be making solid sided six foot high sides.