Might have a "pet" chicken now...

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May 24, 2012
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And I suspect it's a rooster too. :lol: Sure struts around like one! He's a little mutt involving Silkie, Easter Egger, and Rhode Island Red.

Dad mentioned the broody hen was acting a little different right as I was about to head out the door to do my bunny chores. I'm glad I turned around and went to the coop instead!

Right about his due date, this poor babe's egg was smashed. I didn't see evidence of a pip, either. I wasn't expecting a live chick when I snatched up the crushed egg the hen had pushed out, but I pealed away the shell carefully anyway. I didn't notice any rotting stink, so I kept pealing until I could find his head, not feeling too hopeful 'cause there wasn't any bleeding or movement as I tore through the membrane.

Finally I could see the sorry little chick squashed inside. He'd been stepped on, his jaw bent a little to the side, and looked good as dead. He wasn't moving, wasn't breathing. I held him under a bright light that put out very little warmth and gave his chest a few firm taps and SURPRISE he took a breath!

While he'd sat around with his shell smashed, he'd luckily absorbed his yolk. After half an hour of sitting in a container in a bowl of hot water, with warm wet tissue around him, he was kicking and peeping!

I pealed away the rest of the shell and snipped the umbilical part connecting him to it, hoping I wasn't cutting through an intestine or something and afraid he'd disembowel himself if he squirmed too hard. From that point on, he won my heart with his perpetual grumpy glares. I do not blame him. He had a rather unconventional hatch!

I suspected he was dehydrated and weak from bloodloss. It took a couple days for him to find his legs and hold his head steady, but I got him eating a little bit of watery food by coaxing him with mushy drops on my fingernail.

He had one brother hatch and a half-eaten chick appear beside the broody's nest. The rest of the eggs in the nest had failed and rotted, so I'm not sure if it had hatched or been a popped dead egg... Either way, I was nervous about trying to give him back.
But he decided for me. He was too daunted by the fluffy monster scooting towards him. I tried to lock them in together, but he was having none of it. He was scared and cold, so I brought him back inside with his mirror and teddy.

Sadly, the sibling the hen kept had an accident the other day. While it was drowning, he was content to be inside, safe and warm and gulping down mealworms. He is a pig. He may or may not eat mostly mealworms. :oops:

__________ Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:20 pm __________

I also took him outside the other day.


He did not aprove.


And my offerings of more mealworms did not appease him.

Another attempt to reunite him with a very upset mama hen today did not go over well. She tried and tried to call him to her and direct him to tasty bugs, but he wouldn't respond whatsoever. She was still the big scary monster moving towards him. It was pretty sad to see a chick that doesn't understand chicken and a hen so desperate to win back her chick.

I would have thought he'd at least look her way at her calls, but he pactically ignored her and just kept his distance. He gravitated towards me and followed MY cues for food and warmth.


In the end, it seemed pretty clear it was the baby who'd rejected the mother. It wasn't how I expected to play out at all. :|

So, I suppose this is my baby. My grumpy antisocial baby.

I'm still mulling over some names from the Ga'Hoole books. :D
dfr1973":1tpbsnsv said:
Try slipping him under the broody at night, so he wakes up warm and feeling protected.
I'll try tonight if she's not up on the roosts. I'm worried about leaving him unsupervised with the flock though because he seems pretty afraid of her and I have my doubts he'll stay where I put him. :/
alforddm":ks5xd19t said:
It looks like he's already getting his adult feathers? Will they still adopt them once they are older?
I wouldn't think, especially since she's gone a day or two without a chick, but she certainly tried to take him in.
Once she gets so close, though, he moves away. :?
alforddm":285halyq said:
It looks like he's already getting his adult feathers? Will they still adopt them once they are older?
I have a full capon who takes in chicks at any stage of feathering - I just gave him a large bunch of almost 4-week-olds, and he fits them ALL underneath himself at night. We had to wait so long to give them to him because they were walking under the corners of the tractor when smaller.

The main factor here is the hen. If she is still in the nest, you can slip the chick under her at night, when neither one can see worth a darn. If she's already going up on the roost, then she might not take him.
alforddm":1fqxg6xr said:
Ok, I had to look up what a capon was lol. How do you castrate a rooster? I've lived on a farm almost my entire life and didn't even know that was possible...
The short version is you do minor surgery, go in between the last two attached ribs. If you are wanting the detailed version, there are vids on YouTube showing it ... though the ones I've seen has the caponizer going FAST. It's also a lot easier if you caponize before the cockerel starts kazoo-crowing or growing hackle and saddle feathers. Some caponize as young as 3 weeks, but as I have Wyandottes, with rose combs, I wait until the 8-12 week time frame.

I found the bit about using capons as chick nannies in an old promotional booklet by Beouy (if the link doesn't work, you can find some on Google Books, and some at archive.org.

This is what happens when a city-raised science geek decides to move out to the dead end of a dirt road and make her own food. :lol:
Uh, that reminds me of a story my mother tells. She did hand raise a rooster as a pet when she was a kid, but at last he ended as dinner because he was very convinced about who was boss of the house, and, much worse - he killed several hens.
I heard something about hand-raised roosters turning out mean suckers, and it has seemed that way with me too so far. Or it could've been in their breeding. :? The hen-raised roos I spent half the day among turned out fine...nothing like the pair of RIRs I raised, or the hen-raised singleton descended from one.
I actually enjoy pretty roosters more than I enjoy eggs, so as long as he doesn't turn out a massive jerk, I wouldn't mind keeping a 2nd roo. I don't think I'd be too heartbroken if he ends up burritos, though. :lol:
Nothing tops my BLRW roo - he's been wonderful. He flogged my son once, but upon further investigation I found it was after he was chasing and throwing rocks at the hens (knowing good and well he wasn't supposed to be) so IMO he deserved it. Not to mention he is gorgeous. I have seen him feed hens straight from his beak, and will call them all over and supervise them eating... even taking some to the lower totem pole hens. Amazing to watch. I have kept one of his offspring who was related to him twice and he's beautiful as well, with even better lacing and color... similar demeanor as well. Thankfully he's nice b/c his spurs are 2-3" long!

Here's hoping he doesn't turn out mean... those little boogers can do some damage if they want to.

Interesting about castrating a rooster - I had heard of it before, but had no idea how to go about doing it. I take it the demeanor changes?
3 weeks old now, and so ugly and feathery. :D Couldn't get him and his hen to work things out, so he's still living on my desk in a rodent cage. I'll have to upgrade him soon.
I think he's afraid of the dark. :lol: When I shut off his light, just for a moment, he'll start to cry.


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dfr1973":2lf6k193 said:
This is what happens when a city-raised science geek decides to move out to the dead end of a dirt road and make her own food. :lol:

Nyctra":2lf6k193 said:
3 weeks old now, and so ugly and feathery. :D Couldn't get him and his hen to work things out, so he's still living on my desk in a rodent cage. I'll have to upgrade him soon.
I think he's afraid of the dark. :lol: When I shut off his light, just for a moment, he'll start to cry.
Yep, looks like you have a pet chicken. :cool:
Uhm, that reminds me of a story my mother told.
She did hand raise a rooster when she was a kid, he was a pet, a very confident one.
Until he matured, then he thought he was boss of everyone, and after killing some hens he got his invitation for dinner.
Nyctra":18ad9w95 said:
I'm still mulling over some names from the Ga'Hoole books. :D

Ezylryb. Or Kludd or Allomere, but Ezylryb was a "good guy". :lol: Gylfie was a girl, Soren was more handsome, Twilight was bigger, and Digger... well, lets just say he doesn't resemble Digger. :p :lol: And you can't call him Noctus if he's scared of the dark! :lol:

You've probably got more options from the books, we just watched the movie. :p
Galadriel":di38ef62 said:
Nyctra":di38ef62 said:
I'm still mulling over some names from the Ga'Hoole books. :D

Ezylryb. Or Kludd or Allomere, but Ezylryb was a "good guy". :lol: Gylfie was a girl, Soren was more handsome, Twilight was bigger, and Digger... well, lets just say he doesn't resemble Digger. :p :lol: And you can't call him Noctus if he's scared of the dark! :lol:

You've probably got more options from the books, we just watched the movie. :p
Yeah, I'm leaning closer to Coryn, evil Nyra's look-a-like son....except Coryn was a good guy. So maybe the male version of Nyra's name, Nyroc. But then it has Ny in it and that's odd, because I go by Ny. :shock:
Maybe I"ll just call him Rock, or after some other character I affectionately hate. :lol: <br /><br /> __________ Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:43 pm __________ <br /><br /> Some pics of little bird today. :D

And a couple of papa bird too. I love RooRoo's spurs are these days. :mrgreen: