mice and grass

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Well-known member
May 24, 2012
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Gave my feeders a clump just for the fun of it and walked away for about an hour...
I expected them to nest with it (like they have before...), but they actually sat around eating it! It was pretty cute, even if they do get the poops from it. :roll:
And your feeders will be healthier and more nutritious. My feeder gerbils were my garbage disposal :lol:
Aww! Cute little mousies!

My friend and I raised feeder mice when we were teens, and fed them just sweet feed (horse grain) and vegis that the "produce guy" at the supermarket put aside for us. They were gorgeous, sleek little creatures!

That may be in part because we put a thick layer of straw in each tank so they could make tunnels through it, so were effectively "curried" when they moved through them... but it was probably a combination of both. :)

Aside from raising rabbits, I haven't ever had such an enormous "herd" of same species critter. I must say I find it very enjoyable and a most effective use of time to care for a large number of the same type of animal as opposed to having a few of this and that. Not to say I don't still have plenty of "this and thats". :oops:

Have you thought of getting any fancier mice that you could also sell to Mom and Pop pet stores if you have "extras"? We had Silkies and Woolies, as well as tan patterned and brokens in all varieties. :)