mesquite beans

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not sure, I tried my does out on some they were fascinated for a while then got bored I figured the hard shells would help with teeth. the wild bunns here love them and a friend feeds to sheep.don't think they will cause a problem though. I'm still a novice. let me know what you find as I am in a desert area so fodder is limited.lettuce -romaine is a buck a head,kinda expensive,pellets are about 20 bucks for 50 lbs. I've been doing Bermuda for forage and bedding about 17 bucks a bale,but it molds.and drys out fast.I only have three buns. any help on hot weather raising would be helpful. thanks!
thanks, our pods are already dry and falling,so hot but it's Az. I'll try leaves and branches.But ya know everything here bites, stings or has thorns.
yep, should be off the ground,but it's not at least for now,having to spray the shade cloth on the cages,the bale is too close,and right on the ground. the next one won't be. If i get it up and cover it i'm sure i won't have that issue.
Ah, yes, that will do it. Can you get your hands on a pallet to set it on?

I can't stand using Bermuda because it falls apart and makes such a huge mess everywhere. I usually take a few flakes off and then retie the bale to keep it together better.

It sure is nice for the nest boxes, though.
looking for one now,the one i had got termites,so off to the burn pile. what i really want is one of the new ones made from poly-resin.last forever and no bugs.
katiebear":1ud8rtg7 said:
I'll try leaves and branches.But ya know everything here bites, stings or has thorns.

Same here.

My goats and all the wild animals love them. Threw a few in a cage with 2 growouts, but they weren't interested. Here there is no water so our mesquites are shrubs rather than trees and they are like a Hydra, cut one branch and 6 spiny ones grow back. If I can use part of them for feed, I would have a virtually unlimited supply.
The woman that owns the local feed store here told me that "no one raises rabbits here it's too hot."But I figure if the wild ones are here,and there are a lot of cotton tails as well as jacks,it is worth a try.
I use a lot of water trying to keep them cool,frozen juice bottles too. I guess I'll have to beg forage from anyone I can.Some people have Mulberry trees but the female ones are rare here.My family is allergic to the pollen put out by males.
cotton wood only grows in the "active" washes,got to go four wheeling for that.With gas at almost four dollars a gallon,I may have to stick with pellets.......Someone here said citrus is good,everyone and their brother grows grapefruit, lemons and navel oranges so maybe........
I was just in NV on the AZ border and it was HOT. I couldn't imagine trying to raise rabbits without an air conditioned barn or something ...but even then I wouldn't want to go outside to take care of them...ever, lol.

Maybe you can supplement with forage.
katiebear":1zkssuh4 said:
I guess I'll have to beg forage from anyone I can.

We have started playing with sprouting wheat seed in a corner of our kitchen in a couple of rubbermaid tubs. We run water in the tubs twice a day, make sure it gets good and wet then drain it all off. In a week you have a thick mat of very lovely green sprouts that the buns love. Most won't eat the seed mat so then we toss that to the chickens. So far it is very easy and cheap. I can't imagine doing it on a huge scale but for our handful of rabbits it is no problem.