Meat Breeders - caution

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
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I have received an unusually high number of the "you are disgusting filth for eating bunnies and I hope you rot in hell" emails this past week. These people have been directed to my website by a "friend". Definitely won't be doing any more sales at the house. Just wanted to caution others to be careful.
This is one reason why I don't advertise and any sales I get are through word of mouth from people I know. It's too bad people can't rationally discuss their differences with others and be content to accept the fact that other people have different opinions and it's not wrong.
Thanks for the warning, Moonkitten. I'm sorry you're being hassled in this way. Truckinguy is right... adult people should be mature enough to at least admit there might be room for more than one take on a subject.
Unfortunately the PETA types are NOT rational at all. Brainwashed people tend to be like that. You're wise to be safe about it.
That's not good. :shock: Are you saying they were directed to your site by a "friend" of yours, or a friend of theirs? If it's the former, do you know who it is? Just concerned that if it's someone who knows you, they probably know where you live too.

Be careful. Don't hesitate to let those big dogs of yours run free!
Half Caper Farm":6zgtucz1 said:
Are you saying they were directed to your site by a "friend" of yours, or a friend of theirs? Be careful. Don't hesitate to let those big dogs of yours run free!

Most of the emails had the same tone (might even have been one person emailing from a number of different computers since the IP addresses were different) and said something like: "A friend directed me to your website and I was shocked and horrified, blah, blah, blah"

I don't advertise much, just in my sig block on here and HT and the DRCBA breeders list, so it could be a pet person who visits this forum or HT who is passing my URL around.

And yes, the big dogs run free and they DO bite, which is why I have the warning signs on the fence.
thanks for the warning moonkitten. Over the past two weeks I've been getting some odd emails as well. Not so fun getting them. Makes me wish we could get a dog again....
These types just google for sites that mention meat etc. So if you have their typical search words somewhere in your site they will find it. Sort of a catch-22 for those who sell meat as thats how we also get real customers!!<br /><br />__________ Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:59 am __________<br /><br />Also forgot to mention... Last year a large rabbitry near Owen Sound with show meat stock had 2 breakins where they lost thousands of dollars worth of stock and cages etc. Apparently it seemed to be a joke to the media.. and the case has probably not been solved. Most likely it was these types of PETA people that did it.