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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2011
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Two days ago I put in a box for Pippen, she, if pregnant, is due on Monday. She has shown no interest in the box, until today. She has been in it all morning and digging. No fur pulling yet. It has soft wood chips/shaving on the bottom and timothy hay on top of that. She also keeps giving me 'the eye'! Any time I walk by her cage, she cocks her head and looks at me like I am going to eat her!! LOL

How long should I wait and see if she is really pregnant... I was thinking if she didn't have anything by Friday I would try and rebreed her....

This is her first time, and mine! Just want to make sure we get this right!
Fingers crossed! If she's digging around, add some hay or straw in her cage to see if she builds a nest with it. Fur pulling seems to happen either DAYS in advance, or more usually just before (or even DURING) birth. We had one doe that would have a kit, pull more fur, have another kit, pull more fur...silly widget.
Stressful waiting on she will do little NZ had ignored her box for several days...except to eat the grass hay out of it...then last Thursday...she was in a nest building frenzy....but she would throw everything out that I gave her...Friday morning...only about 6 strands of grass hay in the bottom...she was laying next to it...came home Friday night...she had built a fabulous nest...and it was moving...yipee.. :mbounce: ..4 more popples....yours will be here soon...hang in there...raising bunnies is fun...part of it is that anticipation of the arrival of those little blobs in the bottom of the nest.. :mrgreen:
Well she is 'due' today but she is not doing much of anything... sitting in her food bowl, and just munching on hay. Personally, I don't think she took, but I am not sure... So, we still wait! lol I wouldn't mind the waiting if I KNEW she was pregnant...

Tick Tock Tick Tock.... Patience is a virtue, Patience is a virtue...<br /><br />__________ Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:31 am __________<br /><br />She is laying down on the floor of her crate. She is laying on her side and breathing a little heavy, but not like she is overheated or anything... Another 'different' thing is normally she runs to the back of her crate when I walk up to it, then runs back to the front, she didn't even get up when I walked up to it....

I know, I am overanalyzing but I am excited and can't wait to see if she is going to have little ones!
It sounds like she might be in labor. I'm wishing you the best! If she does have them, don't forget to post pictures for us sometime later. :D
Hahaha, that would be funny. Not for you maybe, but still funny. I can just imagine a spunky little bunny faking it to drive someone crazy. lol
That would be her. She is that way.... If any of my rabbits were to try and mess with me, it is her. I am going to find something to occupy myself and try to not analyze her! lol
Good luck! I would be too excited to occupy myself if I had a rabbit possibly giving birth. I'd be running all over the place and checking on her every couple minutes. Then again, maybe I'm just easily distracted! :p
Most (not all) of my does go into a sort of "listening" mode the day before they kindle. They lay down, or sit quietly, with ears looking backwards. They pretty much ignore me at that point.

Sometimes in the last couple of days they'll just lay on their side like "life is just TOO HARD!"

Keep the box ready, put in some more hay or straw. Good luck!
Thanks... That is kind of how she is acting...

PMcNmemar.... I am trying to ignore her, but she is in my dining room, so every time I walk by I have to peek in through the side
Not yet... she is just laying there. She has been sleeping most of the day. Grooming her face and paws right now.... and back to laying down...

It is pretty warm here, so I don't know if she is being just lazy, or if she is getting ready.... I am SO not a patient person! lol I need to learn how to be patient or get out of bunnies! LOL
KatzNetherlands":a79sv99z said:
Not yet... she is just laying there. She has been sleeping most of the day. Grooming her face and paws right now.... and back to laying down...

It is pretty warm here, so I don't know if she is being just lazy, or if she is getting ready.... I am SO not a patient person! lol I need to learn how to be patient or get out of bunnies! LOL

I vote for :D
haha, it is SO that game!!

And I know... patience. Luckily I will be busy/gone today and maybe that will keep me occupied and not calling to check on her! LOL I was SOOOOO hoping when I got up this morning to have even just one baby bunny... but nothing :(
As they say, 'a watched pot never boils!' :D I have no patience either, though! :lol:

Good luck, I hope something happens soon!