Maple' pregnancy and taming down my colony rabbits

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
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South Eastern Oregon
So, I think Maple will be kindling in the near future, maybe even this week! She has made a nice little hidy-hole, and hunkers down in there, and MAN she is getting ROUND! I can' wait to steal her litter. I will have popples to play with again! And future meat! Woohooey!

I am concerned about housing the kits inside, since it stay 80-90 in the house with the woodstove, and is very cold outside, comparativly. I plan on keeping them in a box on the shelf in the colony. Out of reach of the does, but still outside, so they don't go through a hard time adjusting.

I have decided it is unacceptable for my rabbits to be wild in the colony. Scott took his tools out of my shed (finally!well, okay, it was his toolshed, and I put my rabbits in there, lalalala) lol, and so I now have a shelf that is almost chest high to put my rabbits on to work with them. I caught Cedar (colony buck) who I have never worked with before, and was amazed at how calm he is, relatively. I flipped him over, checked him out. He has a normal penis, both testicals are down (I haven't checked him since I got him, when it was all still small) and he has a very nice red coat. Some brown tips on his face, but I am not worried about showing. I like his body type, and will have to take pictures and get a critique on him. To me he seems well balanced with big blocky shoulders, which is what I was advised by Bob Bennet to look for (via a book of his, of course). My doe Maple is longer, but I have heard many commercial bred does are longer. Bob Bennet says it is a good thing, so who am I to disagree? I plan on working with them a couple times a day, until I can get them tame enough to bring into the house for the kids to play with. I think Cedar has potential for a calm kid rabbit!

Anyways, had to update! I am so excited for Maple's litter, and hope it is SOON!
Crossing my fingers and wishing you luck! I'm very anxious to hear how it works out!
Fur pulled out there this morning, and maple had some of her own fur in her mouth....betting its today or tommorrow.

__________ Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:38 pm __________

Six kits were born in the last couple of hours! One light one has a pretty bad gash on it's little face...all three light ones have injuries. I pulled them and will keep them in a box outside in the colony space. Hopefully everything goes well and they grow up with out any problems!

__________ Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:54 pm __________

oh no, one was born outside of the nest. I am trying to warm it up, I think i might be able to bring this one back...cross your fingers for me!<br /><br />__________ Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:18 pm __________<br /><br />hmmm...I think we lost it. Gonna give it another 20 minutes or so, but it is warming up and not moving, so I doubt there is any reason to wait. I had it in my hands at first and was blowing on it, to reduce shock if I could, then once it didn't feel as cold (and I began getting light headed) I put it in a sandwich bag, leaving the top open and put it in a small bowl of warm water. It feels warm to the touch and I haven't seen any movement yet.

Hubs is upset that I am spending so much time trying to revive one kit, but I am DONE with dead babies! I need to try. Although I told him that it was because that is $10 dying right there. But he didn't even understand that. :(