Manna Pro vs. Grow. Vs. Sho

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Dec 19, 2011
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Ok, well I'm using Manna Pro right now, but I've been noticing a lack of takes in my last few litters. I bred 6 does last month because out of all my breedings, the only one that took was a doe from convention.

My most recent doe due is Rain, and she should be delivering on the 10th-11th. I palpated her, couldn't feel a thing LOL But it's probably cause I can only really tell like the week of the due date. Just depends how active the kits are inside. I'm actually going to pull out does today to keep practicing.

My Californian doe is on her 3rd strike this time, so we will see if she delivers around the 21st.

When I first started with my Mini Lops, I fed Purina and I had awesome litter sizes (6-8), but a constant ugly molt. That was $25 a bag.

Then I switched to Manna Pro around spring time and I could tell the obvious difference with their coats. Downside, my litter sizes have been a consistant 4 in a litter the last four litters. My smallest with this feed has been a mere 2 babies.
I began with paying only $15 a bag, now feed has gone up to $17.50 a bag. Not awful but sure wish I was still paying $15 lol

I do supplement half Calf manna to help push a few through their molt.

I probably don't want to do Manna Gro cause it's such a high protein level.....but....

I have been looking at Manna Sho. At $19.99 a bag, I'm kinda weary just because I go through a bag a week as it is.

Some people have told me that it (for whatever the reason) helps with fertility, but some people feel there isn't much of a difference.

What are your experiences?

I got some $3 dollars off coupons waiting at home that I plan to use today, but I want to see if maybe sho will be worth buying. It's kinda more than I'd like to spend on feed, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I'm currently feeding 3/4 cup of food a day with my Mini Lops on Manna Pro, and they maintain their coats and stay in condition for the most part.
I'd knock it off with the Calf Manna, especially if you're feeding it to rabbits which are neither bred nor nursing. That may be the culprit for why they're not taking or giving birth. It can, and so often, does put on weight, and overweight rabbits are notorious for not breeding.

The Manna Pro line is a good one, but if you ever decide to switch from it for whatever reason, plan on it taking a while longer than with other feed brands. I tried to do the transition a bit too quickly last March, and wound up losing the buck that won BOB in a stiff class of satins in Peoria in February. I wound up having to take about a month to complete the switchover, and that is a major chore for larger herds.

Long story short, stop blaming the rabbits and start eliminating everything but basic food sources (pelleted ration, hay, grains, water are what most of us would consider basic food sources). It's likely the extras you're feeding (calf manna packs on alot of unnecessary calories) which put on weight that is driving your breeders into the ground.
Oops! Shoud of specified to whom I give Calf Manna.

I know that I only give it to the rabbits in molt. I do not feed Calf Manna to any does cause my does generally maintain their condition just fine. Normally, its just the youngsters that need to blow that junior coat that are given the supplement.

Shadeds in Georgia can be a pain cause the weather can make or break their coat at times.

Otherwise, they are given fresh hay and water each day and their 3/4 cup of food a day.

Looks like I don't have a choice in the matter to switching this time to even try sho. Went to Tractor Supply and they didn't have it! Even though they said they did.....I haven't been the biggest fan of this TSC,but it's the closest one to my house.

But I'm interested in seeing how my pregnancies go this time around. Hopefully at the next show, I'll be able to purchase a creep feeder. That's something I've been wanting to test with my litters.
I haven't had a single litter since August from my own barn, since I went straight MannaPro with no additives (BOSS, oats, fresh foods). I started the switch to Penpals on 11/3 and I thought I got away clean until I lost a very nice chin doe the day before thanksgiving. I've been told MannaPro is like crack, and it's really hard on the buns to switch off. We shall see if the does take again. I know it was not the summer heat, because my rex breeder bred a doe for me and she delivered successfully, and she's been breeding all summer, and I picked up another doe somewhere and bred her in quarantine as soon as she got here, and she delivered, so my bucks weren't sterile.
I feed Manna Pro and currently have 15 kits in the barn. My two first time does had litters of 6 and 7 respectively which for a Tan is a large litter. I don't believe Manna Pro is the culprit. The only supplemental feeding I do is hay - primarily orchard grass. Treats consist of 1/2 tblsp of rolled oat / boss mix. I do feed calf manna to the nursing does - about a tblsp mixed with the treat. My two older does had litters of 2 respectively which has been about normal for them. Losses were one born dead and one got separately from the crowd one night and got cold before I found it.
I've heard the same thing over and over from many breeders, and taking away everything else, breeding the same line as the person 45 minutes away from me, with the only difference being the food. What ever is going on, MannoPro does not meet the nutritional needs of the rabbits here.

I finally got two does changing color yesterday. 4 weeks after getting off the MP I am back in business.

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