mamma pro

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You're probably thinking of Calf Manna. I haven't heard of Mamma Pro, but Manna Pro is a pelleted feed for rabbits. THe same company makes Calf Manna, which is a pink pelleted supplement.

I used to put some in with the rest of the pellets, but my rabbits dug out the regular feed to get to the pink stuff. I now feed it pure in small crocks when I do. I don't measure, but probably give 2 tablespoons-ish a week.
Manna pro is a good corn free pellet but calf manna is full of corn and rather unhealthy. We have found better alternatives like extra oats/oatmeal or BOSS(black oil sunflower seeds). Sometimes for does not producing milk well I actually use a powdered milk supplement, usually for goat kids or horse foals, and sprinkle it on the pellets. They lick it right up and then eat the pellets that have powder on them.
ok.. thanks Maggie.. All i know it is a supplement and only use a teaspoon or so.. but i wasnt sure which on had corn in it.

__________ Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:59 pm __________

ok.. i found out it is calf manna .. the pink stuff that smells like licorice

so Aka.. you say it is bad for the bunnies???
Calf manna is used for a cheap energy and protein boost. It has cheap ingredients like lots of corn which encourage fat rather than muscle and coat development. Rabbits pack fat around their reproductive organs rather than the outer part of the body making them not breed well even when they appear to be in good condition. After having issues with mastitis I found other people saying it had a higher chance of causing mastitis than other energy sources.

Oats have the highest fat of any grain at up to 7%, pellets are around 3%, and BOSS blows it out of the water for kcals and omega fatty acids. One or both will give you a better result than calf manna for barely any more cost considering how much calf manna you'll end up throwing away because of the 50lb bags that you feed so little out of. A small handful of boss or oats and a sprinkling of flaxseed can make a very balanced, healthy supplement for improved flesh condition, coat, and milk production. We replaced grain for our horses with BOSS to make them healthier and lower cost. 1 cup of boss can replace 2 large scoops (4-6lbs) of grain mix.
Anise is something is has long been used to increase lactation (and improve digestion), I can't say 100% if it really works (for lactation that is, it most certainly helps with digestion), but...fennel seeds do contain the same active ingredients. Has anyone tried something like that for increasing milk supply?
thanks... Akane for explaining that.. I do give oats , flax seed i am not new to that.. So i think from what you are saying.. that i am going to stay away from that... MY rabbits are just right and i guess from what i am doing i had no problem breeding .. so i will stay at what i am doing.. I love this site :D