I have limited experience with pet rabbits, had a young doe (about 6 months when I took her in) in my apartment for 8 months, myxo quarentine, very destructive, hormone driven, quite bored. Nibbled all cables. Reduced all plinth, wood and PVC alike, to flakes and splinters, started to dig a tunnel straight into the wall, after 2" the bricks stopped her...
Not to mention her sloppy litter habbits, urinating here and there.
After getting a second "doe" she had her first litter in my kitchen... :roll:
Now, in her hutch and free range in the garden she's a digger, a great mom with good instincts, and an Alpha to anything she encounters. She's definitly not average, but a very strong character, never met any other rabbit coming close to that.
For about 4 months now my herd buck is my pet, 3yo, free range, I didn't bunny proof anything - no problem at all. Uses his litter box from day one, doesn't chew anything, doesn't mind the slick floors, and jumps on my bed in the morning when I'm late for his piece of apple. Had 2 foster dogs here meanwhile, no problem.
He isn't very affectionate, or demands pets as does do (their hierachy thing), but he learns to like being petted more and more, and comes for treats when called (no matter if there's a big dog beside me).
I don't have any experience with neutered rabbits, but my intact buck makes a perfect, housebroken pet, much to my surprise, I ran out of hutch space and that was a quite desperate experiment. Well, there is one thing to be said - I wouldn't have tried this when he was younger, he showered everything with pee, like a fire hose gone rogue, but grown up, he's a great pet.