Mag Pie harlequin needs a mate, who would be best?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2012
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Cumbria, UK
So my Patches is all healed up from her absess and I want to breed her but I dont know who will get me the best chance at a well marked kit.

Was thinking blue NZ? But we have red and rew and gold tipped steel and a broken blue standard rex to chose from.

Hubbs says we have too many bucks, I wonder why?
Glad to hear Patches is all healed up. Wish I could give a good suggestion regarding getting the best chance for well marked kits. Maybe the Broken Blue?

I'm not sure who would be a good buck either but I'm pretty sure the steel gene would be dominate to the magpie and wouldn't give you a chance to reproduce the magpie. If it was my magpie I think that I would choose the the Blue NZ or the red buck
ZRabbits":37hp0xo1 said:
Glad to hear Patches is all healed up. Wish I could give a good suggestion regarding getting the best chance for well marked kits. Maybe the Broken Blue?


That is where I had gotten too as well! He is a rex but that shouldn't be a draw back as she is a true blue mutt and he is closer to her size than any of the NZ bucks.

And it is sooooo nice to see her happy and contented again. She never looked in actual pain, no grinding or hunching up or anything, but she is just a happier rabbit now. And with the new layout, she can see rabbits all around her so that seems to be making EVERY rabbit happier.<br /><br />__________ Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:18 am __________<br /><br />
miniquilts":37hp0xo1 said:
I'm not sure who would be a good buck either but I'm pretty sure the steel gene would be dominate to the magpie and wouldn't give you a chance to reproduce the magpie. If it was my magpie I think that I would choose the the Blue NZ or the red buck

I crossed her full sister who has the japanese harlequin color to the red buck - Rusty - and got five interesting colored kits. They all look harlequin-ish but very strange and faint. Shall take pictures and see what you all think of them.

So it was a toss up between blue NZ and broken blue Rex and I think I might go with the Captain Rex. It will let me see if he can do the job at hand as he has yet to produce anything in the colony :roll:
Fingers crossed for Captain Rex to do the job to expand the colony. Give him that shot to show you he can produce. Since Patches is a Blue Mutt, the Captain's broken blue could be a good mix?

You need to use the Red buck unless your other bucks carry non extension. They need 2 small "ee" in order for the jap mods. to show up. So is Patches a Magpie or a Jap. coloured Harlequin? The Magpie is the chinchilla version which is why you see white where the red should be. Either way your Red buck has non extension only to pass on to the kits. Unless, of course, you want to wait a generation and breed the kits to each other..