Macroptilium lathyroides – Wild Bushbean

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
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Big Island of Hawaii
Macroptilium lathyroides – Wild Bushbean




Do you know if its safe? My goats eat it, but I guess that doesn't make it rabbit safe. If it is, I'll work on cultivating it rather than chopping it down.
It sounds safe enough, especially if fed as a part of a varied diet. I think the note of hesitation you detect refers more to how nutritious it is and what percentage of its nutrients can be utilized by the rabbits. If I had it here, I would try it in small quantities first, perhaps only to fryers, and then increase it if there were no ill effects.
Okay, I changed the subject to the actual plant name in case anyone else from Hawaii searches for it. I went and gathered some pods. I will give my fryers a little bit daily over the next couple weeks and see how they do, and when I butcher them see if they look normal.

I'm currently searching my 3 properties to find all the plants that are edible (or toxic) and want to work on some sort of database for those of us in Hawaii or anywhere else for that matter.

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