Macadamia nuts

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Big Island of Hawaii
I can get large amounts of "seconds" mac nuts (crushed). Some shell mixed in, I can get rid of the shell by float the mac nuts in water. Nuts float, shells don't. It's called mac nut meal.

Anyway I can get a 32 gallon garbage can sized amount of this mac nut stuff for $10. I've been feeding it to my chickens, a small amount to the goats.

I was wondering if I removed the shell chunks, could I feed a small amount to the rabbits each day. Kinda like feeding BOSS, but mac nut.

Might add a bit of fat to the diet of nursing does and grow outs. Just curious if anyone has any idea how safe it would be.
I did a quick search on "macadamia nuts rabbit toxicity" and most of what I'm seeing is negative - you should not feed it. If you were interested in trying, I would definitely suggest a "throw away" rabbit, one who you would not be devastated to lose if the nuts do prove toxic.
I did the same search but most of those sites tell you that you have to keep your rabbits inside and shouldn't feed them corn. My rabbits love a little corn on the cob. And the shell is the toxic part for dogs (though not that toxic as my outside dog eats mac nut meal all the time).

Oh and this list says Hawaiian Ti plants are toxic, it's a common feed item for rabbits, goats, even parrots get to shred and chew them.
Just because those sites are wrong on some counts, doesn't mean all of their information is incorrect. As I said, try it first on a rabbit you wouldn't be devastated to lose. They will either eat it or not eat it, and if they eat it, they will either live or die. Once you figure out if the rabbit is going to live or die, you know if you can feed it to other rabbits.
I wonder how much and for how long I would need to "test" the mac nuts? I'm not sure what the "toxic" part of a mac nut would be to a rabbit. Maybe because it's so high in fat?

I know just the rabbit to test.
I would be finding me a test rabbit also.
All I can think is high in fat. Feed lots of hay.
I would think at least a month.
Come back and report your results :)
Start out as you would with any seed, and go up to how much you'd want to be feeding daily. Or weekly, or however you want to do it. I would do it for at least 14 feedings at full portion, however you are feeding.