Lost Litter

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Jun 9, 2022
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Okay folks. I have a bit of a conundrum so I thought maybe someone here may have some insight.

I had a completely healthy litter of 8 in a grow out (colony style). They had been in there for about 9 days doing great then all of a sudden in the last 4 days they have all died.

None of my breeding stock or the other smaller kits with their mothers have fallen I’ll in the barn. They are in cages.

No wounds were found on any of them, could all were eating and drinking fine.

The first day we lost any they looked like they had gotten wet but it hadn’t rained and one was dead (had been for awhile). I assumed they appeared wet as they may have been stressed and had jumped in their water bowl etc.

Anyhow their pen was completely cleaned out and re bedded. Fresh water and food was given and they seemed ok. There was one that seemed groggy so it was separated and put in his own cage.

Since then we have lost one to two kits everyday until the last one past today. We cannot figure this out.

That being said my sons noticed yesterday that the one we lost that afternoon they happened upon as it was passing. They said it was twitching and then passed. Then when they went to remove it they noticed that it had feces on it hind and there appeared to be maggots in it.

Can flies kill rabbits?

Anyhow we are stressed and depressed by these turn of events. Anyone else out there have this happen too?

We do know it isn’t the RHVD.
Ok well the good news is the barn bunnies are well. We now have an idea as to the cause and we can watch out for it. Just shocking that flies have caused this. Thank you for your assistance.
Ok well the good news is the barn bunnies are well. We now have an idea as to the cause and we can watch out for it. Just shocking that flies have caused this. Thank you for your assistance.
Yes! We don't have that problem -yet- but usually you want to hold back on summer litters if you have lots of flies around. Unless your barn is keeping them safe, I would suggest having no litters (even older ones) in the summer.
Okay folks. I have a bit of a conundrum so I thought maybe someone here may have some insight.

I had a completely healthy litter of 8 in a grow out (colony style). They had been in there for about 9 days doing great then all of a sudden in the last 4 days they have all died.

None of my breeding stock or the other smaller kits with their mothers have fallen I’ll in the barn. They are in cages.

No wounds were found on any of them, could all were eating and drinking fine.

The first day we lost any they looked like they had gotten wet but it hadn’t rained and one was dead (had been for awhile). I assumed they appeared wet as they may have been stressed and had jumped in their water bowl etc.

Anyhow their pen was completely cleaned out and re bedded. Fresh water and food was given and they seemed ok. There was one that seemed groggy so it was separated and put in his own cage.

Since then we have lost one to two kits everyday until the last one past today. We cannot figure this out.

That being said my sons noticed yesterday that the one we lost that afternoon they happened upon as it was passing. They said it was twitching and then passed. Then when they went to remove it they noticed that it had feces on it hind and there appeared to be maggots in it.

Can flies kill rabbits?

Anyhow we are stressed and depressed by these turn of events. Anyone else out there have this happen too?

We do know it isn’t the RHVD.
Just to make sure I understand- it pooped out maggots as it was dying?
Did you happen to open up any of the others to examine and possibly get any answers?
Just to make sure I understand- it pooped out maggots as it was dying?
Did you happen to open up any of the others to examine and possibly get any answers?
No it didn’t poop out maggots there was maggots around the anus that had a bit of poop on it. No we didn’t open up any rabbits.
as to what most likely killed your young rabbits... Enteritis. That 7-10 day window after putting them some place is a bit of a hint. The fact that one had maggots in the poop, was probably just a coincidence as opposed to the direct cause. Fly strike can kill rabbits if the maggots are BURROWING into the rabbit.

Enteritis often causes poop issues. Sometimes it just causes bunnies to "STOP" for lack of a better definer. It can give them watery, rather mucousy poop OR it can just cause them to stop. Or they could have eaten something that also caused them to just stop.

It is critical to keep a close eye on young rabbits for two weeks after any sort of a move or potentially stressful situation. That means hands on, checking if they are gassy, poopy, thin, just "off", or even just liquidy. Sometimes it is really hard to tell okay? So I get things are easy to miss. Bunnies are VERY good at hiding impending issues.
as to what most likely killed your young rabbits... Enteritis. That 7-10 day window after putting them some place is a bit of a hint. The fact that one had maggots in the poop, was probably just a coincidence as opposed to the direct cause. Fly strike can kill rabbits if the maggots are BURROWING into the rabbit.

Enteritis often causes poop issues. Sometimes it just causes bunnies to "STOP" for lack of a better definer. It can give them watery, rather mucousy poop OR it can just cause them to stop. Or they could have eaten something that also caused them to just stop.

It is critical to keep a close eye on young rabbits for two weeks after any sort of a move or potentially stressful situation. That means hands on, checking if they are gassy, poopy, thin, just "off", or even just liquidy. Sometimes it is really hard to tell okay? So I get things are easy to miss. Bunnies are VERY good at hiding impending issues.
Thank you so much for this info. I had no idea. This is our 2 nd litter that we moved to grow out. First one we had no issues with. I didn’t find any wounds on the bunnies at all and I really didn’t see any evidence of diarrhea either.

All I know for sure is it has been an emotional week and very discouraging.

I have two litters that will be moving to grow out in about 4 weeks and we don’t want a repeat.
Things that can help:
1. Make sure you don't change their diet.
2. if possible move kits in with mom, and then remove mom after a couple of days... or if you can.. remove MOM from the kits for a couple of days before moving them so they only have to adjust to one change at a time.
3. feed a good amount of roughage.
4. have water available in both bottles and water bowls (if you use bottles). Place the bowls high enough that they can't get fecal matter into them.
Things that can help:
1. Make sure you don't change their diet.
2. if possible move kits in with mom, and then remove mom after a couple of days... or if you can.. remove MOM from the kits for a couple of days before moving them so they only have to adjust to one change at a time.
3. feed a good amount of roughage.
4. have water available in both bottles and water bowls (if you use bottles). Place the bowls high enough that they can't get fecal matter into them.
I think I may try to move them with mom and then remove mom later. I like this idea. We do offer both bottles and bowl but I am thinking I may have to raise the bowl maybe.

Thanks so much for your advice!

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