Looking to start feeding natural. Tips, tricks, ideas, etc?

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
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Right now I just have one rabbit. He's currently getting a small amount of pellets (that he rarely cleans up, but that could be because they might be a bit old), unlimited orchard hay, and some fresh greens daily.

I'd like to switch him over to a natural diet. Along with the greens and hay, what kind of grains should he be getting? Since he is the only rabbit I have at this moment, I don't need a large mixture of anything, that way it doesn't take forever to get eaten up and go bad. If/when I get more rabbits, I can always mix more of it up to sustain them.

Do most feed stores sell rolled or whole oats? Barley? In what quantity and what is the average price?
I have a lot of calf manna and a good sized bag of BOSS still. Calf manna could probably be replaced as I've had it for years. Some is in an airtight tub, the rest of it is in the bag it came in, but rolled up. Should I discard of it and buy fresh?

I'm not the best person to ask about this but I'll try to answer what I know. You don't need to go to the feed store to buy oats. If you have a local Sam's club, Kroger, Meijer's or anywhere else that sells groceries you can go there and buy the instant oats from them as well. It's what we do which has worked out well since whenever I feel the rabbits need oats I have some and whenever I'm lazy and don't feel like making a big breakfast we have oatmeal.

As far as what grains to use I know that BOSS is good for their hair. This thread http://rabbittalk.com/natural-feed-formula-list-t12371.html will give you a list of what most people like to use and this thread http://rabbittalk.com/effects-of-herbs-for-rabbits-t14508.html should tell you how some of them benefit your rabbits.

If you are going to be using a fodder system like one seen http://rabbittalk.com/fodder-sprouting-systems-anyone-t10317-300.html I would suggest using wheat (which would need to come from a feed store, can't be chucked or anything, have to actually be seeds.) They seem to be the easiest. Oats seem to be the hardest which when people start with them seem to turn them off of feeding naturally. I've never tried barley but read it was the sweetest of all but also the healthiest. If I could ever find some I might try it but no one seems to know what barley is around here. I buy wheat in 50lb bags for $13. I have 5 rabbits and 1 bag last me about 2 monthish. One of the best ways I've found to feed rabbits. For me it's cheaper by far since I was paying $30 per month of 2 bags of pellets.

As for hay, you seem to be doing ok.

Good luck with switching your rabbit over to natural food. I guarrentee you'll never see food unfinished again.
I wouldn't use the calf manna if it is that old, feed doesn't stay good forever.

Often you can find whole oats at the feed store for around $12. for 50 pounds (this depends on your area) but for only one rabbit people oatmeal is going to be way cheaper, it would take you a loooooong time to use up a feedsack!

In the summer my rabbits eat mostly grass as I feel that is the perfect food for herbivores. I feed more grain in winter to help maintain body condition but in summer they get hay, grass, alfalfa cubes and a very small amount of oats (with a sprinkle of boss)

My buns get free choice grass hay year round as I've found this cuts down on a lot of issues. I also feed alfalfa cubes to up the protein and there is less waste with cubes vs hay. One day a week is a hay only day. The amount of grain I feed varies on season, they get a lot of green food in the summer and more grain in the winter. The amount varies based on the rabbits condition, age, weather and if they are cleaning up their rations. All bunnies have mineral/salt licks.
Thanks you two. :)

I'll check out the threads you listed mystang.

Right now he's been getting oats, what's left of the pellets I have, and some calf manna & BOSS. He's been cleaning most of that up, only leaving some BOSS left in his food dish.
I'll check with my feed store and see if they have wheat. :)