Longview TX. show

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2012
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SW Louisiana
Is anyone planning on going to the Longview TX. show on the 30th and 31st, weekend after next? I am going to try and go.
I went to their show in June, but am unable to make it this time around (scheduling). If you are considering going it would be a great experience for you. I've thoroughly enjoyed each of their shows that I've attended.
Great show this weekend. Different building but still good. I think there were less rabbits/people but it still went longer than last time.
My American doe that didn't make min wt last time (but has awesome type) got BOSB in show A and BOB in show B. The shocker of the day was my California doe got BOB in show B. I had to double check that it was her. I knew she was turning out nice and had kept in the enclosed porch (doesn't get over 86F vs over 100 outside) for her best shot at condition. She got 2nd in her division in the first show.
Yeah, i was there. The shocked one that had to double check the tattoo of the rabbit when they announced that she won. lol
She had always placed 2nd in her class and she is a nice rabbit (best I have had). Still she had started molting two weeks ago and her coat was a bit open.

Not sure exactly how many rabbits were there total. Not as much as June but still alot. More Americans this time than last. We had 9 in the jr doe category, plus we had blues and whites. It was sanctioned for this show.<br /><br />__________ Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:15 am __________<br /><br />Yeah, i was there. The shocked one that had to double check the tattoo of the rabbit when they announced that she won. lol
She had always placed 2nd in her class and she is a nice rabbit (best I have had). Still she had started molting two weeks ago and her coat was a bit open.

Not sure exactly how many rabbits were there total. Not as much as June but still alot. More Americans this time than last. We had 9 in the jr doe category, plus we had blues and whites. It was sanctioned for this show.
I don't know how many rabbits was there. I was surprised there wasn't more Cals. there. I guess everyone is having coat problems this time of year. Congratulations on your win. I am hoping one of these days one of mine will win BOB or BOS.