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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 21, 2009
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South Central Wisconsin
For $15 for breeding age rabbits. :rock: Constantly. He has a couple dozen breeding does, so he always has a supply.

AND another place that has Californians. SOOOOOooooo. Looks like I can fill out the meat colony when I'm ready to. Thinking I should get 2 5month olds NOW to put in with the 1 I'm keeping from Mama-san's last litter so they get used to each other. Figured I'd introduce them like I do the hens...live next to each other for a week, then open up the door between the cages. Not sure how Mama will react to newbies, but if she gets ticked off, she can have her own pen at the farm.

god..."pen at the farm" sounds like I'm sending her to Sing-Sing. "Pssstt...Dutch? Ya listnin? mama-san got da max. She's goin' up da river to DA PEN! I hear she got LIFE at da farm! poor mama...."

In other news, One of the kits was out roaming around today. Eyes just barely squinty open..kind of looking around like a guy after a really bad drunk :lol: I popped him back in the nest and he scurried down into the hay.
Anntann":6no7h7p9 said:
god..."pen at the farm" sounds like I'm sending her to Sing-Sing. "Pssstt...Dutch? Ya listnin? mama-san got da max. She's goin' up da river to DA PEN! I hear she got LIFE at da farm! poor mama...."
Ann, you are such a hoot! You really should write this stuff down and sell it!
Ann should be writing a short weekly column for a local paper - a humourous look at rural life and animal husbandry. It would give her an outlet for her quirky sense of humour and the local folks would love it. Oh yeah, the paper would pay her too! That's always good. :D
MaggieJ":2be10xhv said:
Ann should be writing a short weekly column for a local paper - a humourous look at rural life and animal husbandry.
I agree! I would read it!
ehhe. Cool. That's two subscribers. ;) Given the way subscriptions have been tanking to the local paper, they might just take me up on that! :lol: Thanks for the compliments, tho.

I tell ya what, If I could draw comics at all, I'd be working on a comic strip :D I'm fine with 3D stuff, but it takes a pie plate and a lot of practice for me to get a CIRCLE correct.
Ann, it might be better if you wait till you have the new pen at the farm.......then when you put them together it will not be anybodies territory. As it is... even if you let them live next-door, when you open the gate, someone will be in somebody else's territory. I have some very laid back does, and I can put them into a kennel pen together with no problem...but they would never tolerate another rabbit in their pen.. no matter how big the pen was.
Could you send me or post contact info on the breeders? I want to start raising meat rabbits by the end of the month and these sounds like good places to get a trio.
Thanks!<br /><br />__________ Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:54 am __________<br /><br />Ann,
Could you send me or post contact info on the breeders? I want to start raising meat rabbits by the end of the month and these sounds like good places to get a trio.