Little bugger...

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
N. Idaho Panhandle
This morning one of Parsnip's kits was missing....I looked around and nada. Snake? Hmm. Went out later this afternoon and heard something skulking near the open hay bale. What should appear but an 18 day old, amazingly agile lil bugger. I chased the cute white fluff ball all around the barn, finally nabbed the brat, and he/she commenced an unholy screaming! Mouth wide open OH NOES!!! Finally after picking off gobs of cobwebs and stroking the wee fiend on the head he/she shut up.

Meanwhile the rabbitry had erupted in chaos. Lilo and Anja were whirling madly around. Rosie said "Huh?" The young meat buns went into Tasmanian Devil mode. 5 sets of whirling knife feet. Good thing nothing was in there but them :lol: and then Miss Piggy had a seizure. Total mayhem.

The Culprit.

Mama was glad to see her brat lol. He/she is awfully cute :) First order of business was, raiding the milk bar! <br /><br /> __________ Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:02 pm __________ <br /><br /> Mother's backside looks funny because I re-bred her and lol she is so dense the buck couldn't reach. Her wool was holding him back so had to trim her :D
Culbugger and family, have been relocated to a more secure hutch. I don't know why I keep using that old relic. All the sibs tucked snug in their nest, and who is out bothering Mama? lol you guessed it!