Litter #3!

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2013
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Alberta Canada
About time!! lol Penny had a miscarriage this spring and I was worried she was infertile. So I kept putting her with my boys and now she has 11 kits!
4 are very tiny runts or is it possible that she got preggy by both bucks? I bred her to my cali x and my mini rex. It looks like there are blues in the litter, my mini doesn't carry blue so that rules him out as the sire for the larger kits.
All 11,

Largest kit and smallest kit
Wow, big litter!

If you bred to both bucks on the same day or the next, they could be from both rabbits.

However, large litters sometimes have several runts, so that could be the case as well.

Either way,

And we are down to 6 :( I culled the smallest yesterday and 4 where dead this morning. It got down to 40f last night here...
They are inside right now warming up, i'll put them out with Penny when I get done work. They will be inside tonight too since it's going to be mid 40's. I'll bring them in at night until they have fur! It looks like I have 3 chestnuts and 3 opals. I think this rules out the mini as the Dad too.
The group (the far right is blue flash just washed it out)

The 2 big kits

The 4 mid-small kits

I hope this 6 make it! I think I'll keep back the big blue/opal if it's a doe :)
Awe. Yeah, it's been way too freakin cold at night hey?! Hubby said it snowed the other day out in the bush!

They look good. Hope they make it. Supposed to be cold again tonight.
I'm sorry you lost the little ones and hope the others do well.

As far as getting a litter from two bucks, that's what I got with my Cali. I bred her with my NZW first and just for grins, bred her with my Rex mix soon after. She has 4 kits that are classic NZW/Calis and one that looks just like the Rex mix.
I took them out when I got home and Penny fed all 6 :) They are inside now for the night, it's supposed to warm up the next couple days. I think they will be inside at night until they have fur!

Even the little one has a belly full of milk :)<br /><br />__________ Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:41 am __________<br /><br />One week old and no need to call in Jerry Springer the Mini rex is NOT the father!
All kits have strait whiskers so the calix is the Daddy!

Looks like I have a rainbow too! 2 black otters, 1 chestnut and 3 dilute things. I'm guessing a blue otter, opal and a chin since the doe has all 3 in her ped. The doe is Aat so everything she has will be agouti based or otters.
Not chins, they would look just like the chestnut but silver/gray. Looks like otters and opals. Is it possible that they are lilac (chocolate based) otters? From the picture the light gray ones look much lighter than the other ones.